[wordpress插件] Daily Moon Forecast每日月亮预报

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-11 20:40 735 0 全屏看文



Daily Moon Forecast plugin adds a widget to WordPress that displays the current moon zodiac sign along with a forecast, which updates automatically as the moon sign changes.

Daily Moon Forecast插件向WordPress添加了一个小部件,该小部件可显示当前的月亮生肖和预报,并随着月亮的变化自动更新。

The widget also displays the current local date and time of the viewer, as given by the viewer’s browser.


The forecast is simply a one-sentence or two-sentence suggestion of the general mood in the air according to the zodiac sign the moon is in. Twelve forecasts are included, one for each of the twelve zodiac signs.


By default, the widget will use the included forecasts.


You have the option to write your own custom forecast for each moon sign in Settings -> Daily Moon Forecast.


Daily Moon Forecast uses the Swiss Ephemeris to get the longitude of the Moon.




The plugin is translation-ready, and includes a catalog .pot file to make it easy for you to translate it into other languages.

该插件可进行翻译,并包含一个目录 .pot 文件,使您可以轻松地将其翻译为其他语言。

For more info, see the FAQ, the Installation instructions (links above), or the


"Daily Moon Forecast plugin" rel="nofollow">plugin web page.

“每日月亮预报插件” rel =“ nofollow”>插件网页。

For Support or suggestions, please use the official Support Forum (link above).


Fork and hack on GitHub.



Install and Activate


    1. Install and activate the plugin in your WordPress dashboard by going to Plugins –> Add New.

    2. 通过转到“插件”->“添加新”,在WordPress仪表板中安装并激活插件。

    3. Search for “Daily Moon Forecast” to find the plugin.
    4. 搜索“ Daily Moon Forecast”以找到该插件。

    5. When you see it, click “Install Now” to install the plugin.
    6. 看到它时,单击“立即安装”以安装插件。

    7. Click “Activate” to activate the plugin.
    8. 单击“激活”以激活插件。

    Quick Setup


      1. To use Daily Moon Forecast as a widget, go to Appearance -> Widgets and drag the “Daily Moon Forecast” widget to a sidebar widget area like you would any other widget.
      2. 要将“每日月亮预报”用作窗口小部件,请转到外观->窗口小部件,然后将“每日月亮预报”窗口小部件拖动到侧边栏窗口小部件区域,就像其他窗口小部件一样。

      3. To insert Daily Moon Forecast on any page or post, type this shortcode into the page or post:

      4. 要在任何页面或帖子中插入每日月亮预报,请在页面或帖子中输入以下短代码:


      5. [dailymoonforecast]

      6. By default, the included forecast interpretations will be used.

      7. 默认情况下,将使用随附的预测解释。

        To write your own custom forecast interpretations for each moon sign, go to “Settings -> Daily Moon Forecast” from your WordPress admin dashboard.

      8. 要为每个月球符号编写自己的自定义预测解释,请从WordPress管理控制台转到“设置->每日月球预测”。

      If your website uses Windows hosting


      If your website is running on a Windows operating system (ie using Windows hosting), then you'll need to use the


      rel="nofollow">ZodiacPress Windows Server plugin to make the Ephemeris work on your server.

      rel =“ nofollow”> ZodiacPress Windows Server 插件,使星历表可以在您的服务器上运行。

      This is because the Ephemeris included in Daily Moon Forecast will not run on Windows, by default.


      Just install and activate the “ZodiacPress Windows Server” plugin, and it will automatically solve this problem.

      只需安装并激活“ ZodiacPress Windows Server”插件,它将自动解决此问题。

