[wordpress插件] dbfile数据库文件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-13 10:20 616 0 全屏看文





- 2005-10-19: * added the possibility to hide dbfiles list in a post, by setting the custom field hideDbFiles to true              


* $wpURL is now replaced in dbfile.inc and dbfile.php with get_options('siteurl')              

* $ wpURL现在已在dbfile.inc和dbfile.php中替换为get_options('siteurl')              

* the post(s) of a file is now shown (with link) in "Manage Database Files"              


* install now requires user level 10.              


* install now checks if the post2file table exists before creation              


* install now checks if ALTER TABLE or CREATE TABLE should be used on files and post2file tables.

*现在安装,检查是否应在文件和post2file表上使用ALTER TABLE或CREATE TABLE。

- 2005-10-18: * a file can now be fetched using only the name.


If more than one file exists with the same name, the first encountered is returned.


- 2005-10-13: * renamed all options from db_file* to dbfile_*              

-2005-10-13:*将所有选项从db_file *重命名为dbfile_ *              

* renamed db_post2file_table to dbfile_post2file_table              


* checking of id is done in dbfile.inc instead of in dbfile.php              

* ID的检查是在dbfile.inc中完成的,而不是在dbfile.php中完成的              

* sortNo is disabled if no postID has been entered when editing a file              


* added option dbfile_preview_types that controls what file types to preview when editing              


* added option dbfile_fileentry that controls the structure of a file list entry in a post with listPostLinks              


* added hits to files table              


* added download counter + option to turn it on globally (default is off)


- 2005-10-12: * only images are previewed


- 2005-10-07: * added $trace flag to minimize debug/trace output if disabled.              

-2005-10-07:*添加了$ trace标志以最小化调试/跟踪输出(如果禁用)。              

* sortNo moved from files to post2file table

* sortNo从文件移至post2file表

- 2005-09-27: * added option for post2file table              


* added post2file table in install              


* added relation post2file in receiveFile              


* requirements changed, added my production environment              


* moved all functions into dbfile class to avoid name clashes


- 2005-09-23: * added Requirements in readme.txt              


* install/enabling the plugin now checks if the files table exists before trying to create it              


* SQL changed to be MySQL 4.0x compatible              

* SQL更改为与MySQL 4.0x兼容              

* more user friendly maximum upload size error message              


* added postID and sortNo to table              


* added FilePostID and FileSortNo to upload page


1.0 – 2005-09-20: initial release

1.0 – 2005-09-20:初始版本



This is the setup I have tested with.


Please let me and the community know if you have got it working on other conjfigurations!


Test environment:


Windows XP SP2 (http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp)

Windows XP SP2(http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp)

Apache httpd 2.0.54 (http://httpd.apache.org)

Apache httpd 2.0.54(http://httpd.apache.org)

PHP 5.0.4 (http://www.php.net)

PHP 5.0.4(http://www.php.net)

MySQL 4.1.13-nt (http://www.mysql.org)

MySQL 4.1.13-nt(http://www.mysql.org)

Wordpress 1.5.2 (http://www.wordpress.org)

WordPress 1.5.2(http://www.wordpress.org)

Production environment:


FreeBSD or OpenBSD (my hosting company wont give away exactly which of them I use)


Apache httpd 1.3.33 (http://httpd.apache.org)

Apache httpd 1.3.33(http://httpd.apache.org)

PHP 4.x (http://www.php.net)

PHP 4.x(http://www.php.net)

MySQL 4.0.18 (http://www.mysql.org)

MySQL 4.0.18(http://www.mysql.org)

Wordpress 1.5.2 (http://www.wordpress.org)

WordPress 1.5.2(http://www.wordpress.org)

Upload a file


    • Go to “Manage”, “Add Database File”.
    • 转到“管理”,“添加数据库文件”。

    • Optional: fill in a short description
    • 可选:填写简短说明

    • Optional: fill in post id, to associate the file with a post
    • 可选:填写帖子ID,以将文件与帖子相关联

    • Optional: fill in sort number to sort on when displaying files in a post (only enabled if you filled in a post id)
    • 可选:填写排序编号以在帖子中显示文件时进行排序(仅当您填写帖子ID时启用)

    • Click “Browse” and find the file you want to upload (select it and choose OK)
    • 单击“浏览”,找到您要上传的文件(选择它并选择“确定”)

    • Hit the “Submit” button
    • 点击“提交”按钮

    • You will be redirected to the “Database Files” page
    • 您将被重定向到“数据库文件”页面

    Manage files


      • Go to “Manage”, “Database Files”
      • 转到“管理”,“数据库文件”

      • If you haven’t uploaded any files, there will be no useful information here.

      • 如果您还没有上传任何文件,这里将没有有用的信息。

        Upload a file by following the instructions above.

      • 请按照上面的说明上传文件。

      • If you want to view a file, click “View”
      • 如果要查看文件,请单击“查看”

      • If you want to download a file, press “Download”
      • 如果要下载文件,请按“下载”

      • If you want to delete a file, click “Delete” and confirm with “OK”
      • 如果要删除文件,请单击“删除”并单击“确定”确认

      • If you want to edit a file, click “Edit”, and you will be presented with the upload page again.
      • 如果要编辑文件,请单击“编辑”,然后将再次显示上载页面。



        • Check what database and table the plugin is using, under Options, Database Files
        • 在“选项”下的“数据库文件”下,检查插件正在使用的数据库和表

        • Turn the plugin off in the Plugin Management page.
        • 在“插件管理”页面中关闭插件。

        • Delete the dbfiles directory in the WordPress plugin directory
        • 删除WordPress插件目录中的dbfiles目录

        • Optional: delete the files table mentioned in Options, Database Files, Destination database / Destination table
        • 可选:删除选项,数据库文件,目标数据库/目标表中提到的文件表

        • Optional: delete the options added in wp_options (see “Options added and used in wp_options” below)
        • 可选:删除wp_options中添加的选项(请参见下面的“ wp_options中添加和使用的选项”)



        This is how the structure should look when installed correctly:


        /wordpress/plugins/dbfile/dbfile.inc – the db_file class with all functionality to access database files

        /wordpress/plugins/dbfile/dbfile.inc –具有访问数据库文件所有功能的db_file类

        dbfile.php – all actions (edit, view, get, delete) are handled via this file

        dbfile.php –通过此文件处理所有操作(编辑,查看,获取,删除)

        dbfiles.php – the plugin main activation file

        dbfiles.php –插件主激活文件

        LICENSE.TXT – GPL license

        LICENSE.TXT – GPL许可证

        readme.txt – this file

        readme.txt –此文件



        The files table (defaults to wp_files in the WordPress database) consists of these fields:


        id – the id of the database file

        id –数据库文件的ID

        name – the name of the file


        mimeType – the mime type of the file, i.e. image/png for a .png file

        mimeType –文件的mime类型,即.png文件的image / png

        content – the actual file, stored as a blob – binary large object


        description – a short description of the file

        description –文件的简短描述

        created – date and time when the file was uploaded (first time)


        modified – date and time when the file was modified/uploaded (after first time)

        Modifyed –修改/上传文件的日期和时间(第一次之后)

        hits – the number of times the file has been downloaded/viewed.


        This only increments if hit counting is turned on with the dbfile_use_hitcounter option.


        The post2file table (defaults to wp_post2file in the WordPress database) consists of these fields:


        relID – the relational id

        relID –关系ID

        postID – the id of the post record

        postID –帖子记录的ID

        dbfileID – the id of the dbfile record

        dbfileID – dbfile记录的ID

        sortNo – the sorting number used when displaying dbfiles in a post, to sort the entries

        sortNo –在帖子中显示dbfile时用于对条目进行排序的排序号

        For now, the dbfile plugin handles only one to one relation between a post and a dbfile.


        This is soon to be changed.


        Options added and used in wp_options


        dbfile_use_fileupload – “1” to enable uploads, “0” to disable.

        dbfile_use_fileupload –“ 1”启用上载,“ 0”禁用。

        Default is “0”

        默认值为“ 0”

        dbfile_database – The name of the database to use for upload/download of files.

        dbfile_database –用于上传/下载文件的数据库的名称。

        Defaults to “wordpress” (or whatever you have named it).

        默认为“ wordpress”(或任何您命名的名称)。

        dbfile_table – The name of the table to use for upload/download of files.

        dbfile_table –用于上传/下载文件的表的名称。

        Defaults to “wp_files” (actually the wp_ part is dynamically fetched from your installation).

        默认为“ wp_files”(实际上wp_部分是从安装中动态获取的)。

        dbfile_post2file_table – The name of the table to use for relations between posts and db files.

        dbfile_post2file_table –用于发布和db文件之间关系的表的名称。

        Defaults to “wp_post2file” (the wp_ part is dynamically fetched from your installation).

        默认为“ wp_post2file”(wp_部分是从安装中动态获取的)。

        dbfile_upload_maxk – The maximum number of kilobytes that will be received when uploading.

        dbfile_upload_maxk –上传时将接收的最大千字节数。

        Defaults to 300


        dbfile_upload_allowedtypes – The file extensions that are allowed to be uploaded, separated by spaces.

        dbfile_upload_allowedtypes –允许上传的文件扩展名,以空格分隔。

        Defaults to “jpg jpeg gif png”

        默认为“ jpg jpeg gif png”

        dbfile_upload_minlevel – The minimum user level required to upload files.

        dbfile_upload_minlevel –上载文件所需的最低用户级别。

        Defaults to 6.


        dbfile_preview_types – The file types that should be previewed when editing a file, separated with space, excluding the extension dot

        dbfile_preview_types –编辑文件时应预览的文件类型,以空格分隔,但扩展名点除外

        Defaults to jpg jpeg gif png

        默认为jpg jpeg gif png

        dbfile_entry – The structure of a dbfile entry in a post.

        dbfile_entry –帖子中dbfile条目的结构。

        Use %name and %link inside the string


        Defaults to


      • %name
      • %name

        dbfile_use_hitcounter – Turn on hit counter by setting this to 1

        dbfile_use_hitcounter –通过将其设置为1来打开命中计数器。

        Defaults to 0




        As this is a new project, there are several items/bugs that could be fixed in the future:


        * Localization


        * Check FIXMEs


        * Security/SQL-injection?

        *安全性/ SQL注入?

        * Compression


        * Use the ORIGINAL created and modified of the file?


        Add a field “uploaded” to wp_files then.

        然后将一个字段“ uploaded”添加到wp_files。

        * Follow WordPress coding standards


        * Different files for the different actions?


        adddbfile.php, editdbfile.php, admindbfiles.php?


        * Add “read” and “edit” rights to files


        * Separate content from presentation better


        * Remove hard coded links/paths


        * More documentation


        * Sortable table in Database File Management (see http://www.kryogenix.org/code/browser/sorttable/ for an example)


        * Nicer error messages for users (XHTML compliant)


        * Integrate with the image/file browser in ChenPress/FCKeditor

        *与ChenPress / FCKeditor中的图像/文件浏览器集成

        * Caching (on/off) (cache files on filesystem?)


        * Add referrer checking, so external sites can not link directly (on/off)


        * Change the content field in the files table to LONGBLOB


        * Export files from the database to the file system


        * Rename files



    • Extract the files in the archive
    • 提取存档中的文件

    • Upload the extracted folder (dbfile) to your plugins folder, usually wp-content/plugins/
    • 将提取的文件夹(dbfile)上传到您的插件文件夹,通常为 wp-content / plugins /

    • Optionally: if you rename the dbfile folder, change the $pluginPath variable in dbfile.inc.
    • 可选:如果重命名dbfile文件夹,请在dbfile.inc中更改$ pluginPath变量。

    • Activate the plugin at the plugin screen.

    • 在插件屏幕上激活插件。

      The default table and options are set up automatically.

    • 默认表和选项是自动设置的。

    • Optional: modify the settings in the ‘Options’, ‘Database File Options’ pane
    • 可选:修改“选项”,“数据库文件选项”窗格中的设置

    • Finito!

    • 菲尼托!

      You are now ready to upload files!

    • 您现在可以上传文件了!

