[wordpress插件] AmaDiscount PluginAmaDiscount插件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-17 03:40 527 0 全屏看文



A great new Amazon Discount Finder Plugin for WordPress – extremely powerful and so simple that anyone can use it to find Amazon discounted items and then create a discount table with your affiliate links automatically embedded.

一个很棒的新的适用于WordPress的Amazon Discount Finder插件–功能强大且非常简单,任何人都可以使用它来查找Amazon打折商品,然后创建一个自动嵌入您的会员链接的折扣表。

You’ve seen the various table making plugins, well ADF goes much further.


It searches your selected Amazon categories for discounted items and then creates a table with the best discounts.


Each one has your Amazon affiliate link embedded so anyone clicking on an item will visit Amazon and if they buy you get the commissions!


You get commissions on 4 out of every 5 clicks, with the 5 coming to us to keep this plugin free forever and to pay for further development.


The table automatically updates each day so you can be sure your customers are getting the best deals.


    • No coding knowledge required, simply install the plugin and it does the rest
    • 无需任何编码知识,只需安装插件即可完成其余工作

    • Works with WordPress 2.7 onwards
    • 从WordPress 2.7起开始使用

    You can read instructions for use at using http://pluginhandy.com/amazondiscount/how-to-use-amazon-discount-pro/

    您可以在http://pluginhandy.com/amazondiscount/how-to-use-amazon-discount-pro/ 中阅读使用说明。

    We’d love to hear your ideas about adding extra features to this plugin.


    You can request new additional features at Request Extra Feature

    您可以在请求其他功能 中请求其他新功能。

    AMAZON DISCOUNT PRO – PREMIUM VERSION (you get ALL the commission) IS NOW AVAILABLE AT http://pluginhandy.com/amazondiscount

    AMAZON DISCOUNT PRO –高级版(您可以获得所有佣金)现在可以在http://pluginhandy.com/amazondiscount 获得


    • For automatic installation:
    • 对于自动安装:

      1. Login to your website and go to the Plugins section of your admin panel.
      2. 登录到您的网站,然后转到管理面板的“插件”部分。

      3. Click the Add New button.
      4. 点击添加新按钮。

      5. Under Install Plugins, click the Upload link.
      6. 在“安装插件”下,单击“上载”链接。

      7. Select the plugin zip file from your computer then click the Install Now button.
      8. 从计算机中选择插件zip文件,然后单击立即安装按钮。

      9. You should see a message stating that the plugin was installed successfully.
      10. 您应该看到一条消息,说明插件已成功安装。

      11. Click the Activate Plugin link.
      12. 单击“激活插件”链接。

        • For manual installation:
        • 对于手动安装:

          1. You should have access to the server where WordPress is installed.

          2. 您应该有权访问安装了WordPress的服务器。

            If you don’t, see your system administrator.

          3. 如果没有,请咨询系统管理员。

          4. Copy the plugin zip file up to your server and unzip it somewhere on the file system.
          5. 将插件zip文件复制到您的服务器上,然后将其解压缩到文件系统上的某个位置。

          6. Copy the “amazon discount pro” folder into the /wp-content/plugins directory of your WordPress installation.
          7. 将“ amazon discount pro”文件夹复制到WordPress安装的/ wp-content / plugins目录中。

          8. Login to your website and go to the Plugins section of your admin panel.
          9. 登录到您的网站,然后转到管理面板的“插件”部分。

          10. Look for “Amazon Discount Pro” or “ADP” and click Activate.
          11. 找到“ Amazon Discount Pro”或“ ADP”,然后单击“激活”。

