[wordpress插件] Any Popup – Popup Forms, Optins & Ads任何弹出窗口-弹出表单,优化工具和广告

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-19 06:50 480 0 全屏看文



This plugin is specially designed for the neophytes that let you add exceptionally creative video popup, image popup, html popup, optin forms, social popup, Exit intent, Iframe popup, shortcode popup, exit-intent popup, countdown popup, subscription


popup, age restriction popup and other such popups.


This plugin is basically a modal popup plugin for the websites associated with WordPress, here you are allowed to add outstanding lightbox plugin which can be altered anytime.


The feature added panel allows you to get your popup customized with quick access tools.


The number of popups allowed to be added is unlimited.


The popup plugins will be showed up onto your associated websites with the help of short codes which is easy to maintain.


The unlimited popup addition feature has also made it a complicated platform as each popup has its individual configuration panel from where each type of popup is customized separately with variety of options.


This plugin also permits the user to add any type of content into the popup and later on insert that popup to any post or page swiftly with no lengthy steps.


These popups will be opened automatically by advertising your issued content to grab the potential customers.


User can gain more customers by adding attractive details to the popups that customers can never resist to notice.


It is commonly accepted that right modal popups serve as brilliant promotional tools and make the pages convert highly when compared to similar pages without modal popup;


hence a convenient marketing strategy is a single step away with the help of modal popups that should be appropriately designed and implemented considerately.




    1. Designed need based popups
    2. 设计的基于需求的弹出窗口

    3. Customize your popups easily at any time
    4. 随时轻松自定义弹出窗口

    5. Add animation effects to the popups
    6. 将动画效果添加到弹出窗口

    7. Make popup attractive by changing theme, color, size and formatting of popup
    8. 通过更改弹出窗口的主题,颜色,大小和格式来使弹出窗口具有吸引力

    9. Add locations to the popups
    10. 将位置添加到弹出窗口

    11. Support any type of content
    12. 支持任何类型的内容

    13. Promote your offers with automatically opened popups
    14. 通过自动打开的弹出窗口推广您的优惠

    15. Insert popups with any post or page
    16. 插入带有任何帖子或页面的弹出窗口

    17. Make appearance of popups repetitive
    18. 使弹出窗口重复出现

    19. Allow users to be redirected to other page when they click popup
    20. 允许用户单击弹出窗口时重定向到其他页面

    21. Turn on notification sounds for popups
    22. 打开弹出窗口的通知声音

    23. Show URLs to open popups by clicking on the links
    24. 通过单击链接显示URL以打开弹出窗口

    If You need any Help Simple Contact Us



    1. From the Dashboard:
    2. 在仪表板上:

    3. Plugins
    4. 插件

    5. Add New
    6. 添加新

    7. Search “Any Popup WordPress”
    8. 搜索“任何弹出式WordPress”

    9. Install Now
    10. 立即安装

    11. Activate
    12. 激活

    13. Go to Dashboard:-> Any Popup
    14. 转到仪表板:->任何弹出窗口

