[wordpress插件] anyLink任何链接

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-19 08:20 485 0 全屏看文



Anylink 是一款链接转换插件,它可以把长链接转换成短链接,也可以将外部链接转换成内部链接,同时还可以隐藏真实的链接地址。

Anylink is a link conversion plug-in, which can convert long links into short links, external links into internal links, and hide real link addresses.


It will not modify the database that comes with wordpress, nor will it modify any content in the article. It will not affect the integrity of your data at any time.


It is a lightweight software with high security, convenience and flexibility among similar software.

Anylink allows you to covert the external links in your WordPress to internal links. Of course, it’s automatically. It’s advantage

Anylink allows you to covert the external links in your WordPress to internal links. Of course, it ’s automatically. It ’s advantage

is that Anylink Plugin doesn’t destroy your data in WordPress, which means once you removed it, you needn’t do anything to your

is that Anylink Plugin does n’t destroy your data in WordPress, which means once you removed it, you need n’t do anything to your



Also, you can customise the style of the link, such as its length, component, etc. You can customise the redirect type(http status) such as

Also, you can customise the style of the link, such as its length, component, etc. You can customise the redirect type (http status) such as

301, 307 as well.

301, 307 as well.

Mainly feature:

Mainly feature:

    • covert external links to internal links, e.g. http://wordpress.org -> http://yourdomain/goto/a1b2
    • covert external links to internal links, e.g. http://wordpress.org-> http: // yourdomain / goto / a1b2

    • customise the redirect category, e.g. you can change “goto” in the link above to any word you like
    • customise the redirect category, e.g. you can change “goto” in the link above to any word you like

    • allow you change the components of the slug, by default it’s 4 letters and numbers. e.g. a1b2
    • allow you change the components of the slug, by default it ’s 4 letters and numbers. e.g. a1b2

    • you can customise the redirect http status code, such as 301, 307
    • you can customise the redirect http status code, such as 301, 307


    1. Upload anylink.zip to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    2. anylink.zip 上载到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    5. Scan all your post for the first time.
    6. 第一次扫描您的所有帖子。

