[wordpress插件] Appointment Buddy Widget By Accrete约会好友小部件,通过Accrete

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-20 07:00 549 0 全屏看文



The Appointment Buddy Widget is a light weight plugin which integrates with any WordPress website.


It is a plugin for accepting online bookings from a set of available time-slots.


Users can choose only one time slot from list of Time slots,loaded by selecting particular date from calendar.


Admin can see all booked appointments in Calendar.


Admin can view each appoitnment in blue tag in calendar.


By clicking on blue tag, admin can view details of particular appointment in calendar.


Admin can add holidays.


The holidays defined by admin can be seen in calendar at user side.


User can able to book appointment till no.


of months (e.g. 3 months), set by Admin.


It is ideal for businesses and individuals who schedule times with clients, such as..


    1. Lawyers
    2. 律师

    3. Consultants
    4. 顾问

    5. Spa and Hair Salons
    6. 水疗和美发沙龙

    7. Photographers
    8. 摄影师

    9. Sales Executives
    10. 销售主管

    11. Doctors
    12. 医生

    13. Dentist
    14. 牙医

    15. Any many more…
    16. 还有更多……



      1. The customer can book an available time slot from a defined set on your site.
      2. 客户可以从您网站上定义的时间段预订可用的时间段。

      3. Allows to Book Appointment anytime, anywhere.

      4. 可以随时随地进行预约

      5. All appointment details display in Calendar View.

      6. 所有约会详细信息均显示在日历视图中。

      7. View scheduled appointment list in List View.
      8. 列表视图中查看计划的约会列表。

      9. View every details of booked appointment in Just One Click Calendar View.
      10. 一键式日历视图中查看预订约会的所有详细信息。

      11. Add general details of service provider (like provider name, address, contact details, website, social media links etc.)
      12. 添加服务提供商的一般详细信息(例如提供商名称,地址,联系方式,网站,社交媒体链接等)

      13. No.

      14. 不。

        of prior days must be set from current day,after which appointments can be scheduled.

      15. 必须从当前日期开始设置先天的日期,之后才能安排约会。

      16. No.

      17. 不。

        of months can be set upto which appointments can be scheduled.

      18. 可以设置个月的时间安排。

      19. Allot time slots and working days with your choice.
      20. 分配的时隙和工作日。

      21. Allows you to define the maximum number of appointments that can be booked for each time-slot.
      22. 允许您定义每个时隙可以预订的最大约会数量。

      23. Create / Manage unlimited services.
      24. 创建/管理无限的服务。

      25. Add holidays and it will be display in calendar at customer side.

      26. 添加假期,它将显示在客户方日历中

        (Black out dates).

      27. (不适用日期)。

      28. Export appointment data to CSV / Excel files.
      29. 将约会数据导出到CSV / Excel文件。

      30. Pretty simple, modern and elegant administration interface.
      31. 非常简单,现代且优雅的管理界面。

      32. Flexible & Scalable.
      33. 灵活且可扩展。

      Pro Version


      You can find this online appointment booking wordpress plugin<


      /a> (Pro Version) here.

      / a>(专业版)。


Through Dashboard


    1. Log in to your WordPress admin panel and go to Plugins -> Add New -> Upload Plugin
    2. 登录到WordPress管理面板,然后转到“插件”->“添加新”->“上传插件”

    3. Type Appointment Buddy Widget in the search box and click on search button
    4. 在搜索框中

    5. 在搜索框中输入约会伙伴小部件,然后单击搜索按钮

    6. Find Appointment Buddy Widget plugin
    7. 找到约会伙伴小部件插件

    8. Then click on Install Now after that activate the plugin
    9. 然后在激活插件后单击“立即安装”

    10. Go to the widgets page Appearance -> Widgets
    11. 转到小部件页面外观->小部件

    12. Find and Drag the plugin from Available widget area, place it and customize your widgets
    13. 可用窗口小部件区域中查找并拖动插件,放置并自定义窗口小部件

    Installing Via FTP


      1. Download the plugin to your harddisk
      2. 将插件下载到硬盘上

      3. Log in to your WordPress admin panel and go to Plugins -> Add New -> Upload Plugin
      4. 登录到WordPress管理面板,然后转到“插件”->“添加新”->“上传插件”

      5. Select zip file of plugin -> Install Now
      6. 选择插件的zip文件->立即安装

      7. Then select Activate the plugin
      8. 然后选择激活插件

      9. Go to the widgets page Appearance -> Widgets
      10. 转到小部件页面外观->小部件

      11. Find and Drag the plugin from Available widget area, place it and customize your widgets
      12. 可用窗口小部件区域中查找并拖动插件,放置并自定义窗口小部件

