[wordpress插件] Atom Builder原子生成器

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-22 16:50 503 0 全屏看文



This plugin simply allows you to build your page content with widgets instead of using the default page layout for your theme.


Using the Atom Builder

使用Atom Builder

By default, only basic pages are supported.


It basically registers a widget area for all of your pages.


To avoir cluttering the admin area, the newly registered widget areas do not appear alongside your theme’s standard ones, and you have to access them directly in the customizer.


To see it in action :


* Just visit any page on your site while logged in, and click the ‘Customize’ link.


* In the Customizer panel, click on ‘Widgets’ and you should see a widget area registered for your page.


* Just use the widgets you need to build your page content.


This plugin provides you with 3 additional widgets to help you build your page with interesting content and layout: Atom Builder Page, Atom Builder Post, and Atom Builder Posts widgets.

此插件为您提供了3个其他小部件,以帮助您构建具有有趣内容和布局的页面:Atom Builder页面,Atom Builder Post和Atom Builder Posts小部件。

These basic widgets will probably get a bit more complex and have more options in the future, and a few more custom widgets will be added later, but that’s a start.


Adding theme support for the Atom Builder

为Atom Builder添加主题支持

By default, the Atom Builder replaces your page content using ‘the_content’ filter.

默认情况下,Atom Builder使用“ the_content”过滤器替换页面内容。

That means any markup you have before, such as the title for example, will be kept.


Only your content as it appears in the editor in the admin area is replaced.


If you want to replace the whole content for your page, you’ll have to tweak your theme’s code a little bit.


    • Add theme support for the Atom builder in your child theme’s functions.php file by simply adding this snippet.




      add_action( ‘after_setup_theme’, ‘mythemeprefix_add_atom_builder_support’ );



      / **

        • Add theme support for the Atom Builder
        • 添加对Atom Builder的主题支持

        • This deactivate the basic filter on the_content.

        • 这将禁用the_content上的基本过滤器。

        • Just replace your get_template_part() call in page.php with atom_builder_get_template_part() to replace your whole page content template with registered widgets.

        • 只需用atom_builder_get_template_part()替换page.php中的get_template_part()调用,即可将整个页面内容模板替换为已注册的小部件。


          ** /

          function mythemeprefix_add_atom_builder_support(){


          add_theme_support( ‘atom-builder’ );





        • `

      • Duplicate the page.php template from your theme in your child theme’s folder.


      • Replace the get_template_part() function call with atom_builder_get_template_part(), with the same parameters.

      • 使用相同参数的 atom_builder_get_template_part()替换 get_template_part()函数调用。

        (Basically all you need to do is prefix it.)

      • (基本上,您需要做的就是给它加上前缀。)

      • Now everything should work fine.

      • 现在一切正常。

        Your whole template is replaced with widgets now, not just your content.

      • 您的整个模板现在已替换为小部件,而不仅仅是您的内容。


    1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/atom-builder directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
    2. 将插件文件上传到 / wp-content / plugins / atom-builder 目录,或直接通过WordPress插件屏幕安装插件。

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”屏幕激活插件

    5. That’s it !

    6. 就是这样!

      Edit your pages in the customizer and add widgets to your page to see it in action !

    7. 在定制程序中编辑页面,并将小部件添加到页面以查看其实际效果!

