[wordpress插件] AWSOM PixgalleryAWSOM Pixgallery

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-27 10:40 512 0 全屏看文



AWSOM Pixgallery is an Image Gallery/Archive plugin designed to make it easier for Artists or Webcomic creators to set up a portfolio of their artwork.

AWSOM Pixgallery是一个图像库/存档插件,旨在使艺术家或Webcomic创作者更容易设置其作品集。

It features Automatic Watermarking, captioning using the Visual Editor or HTML, sorting, auto-thumbnailing, Comicpress theme support, per image/gallery commenting and more.

它具有自动加水印,使用Visual Editor或HTML进行字幕,排序,自动缩略图显示,Comicpress主题支持,每个图像/图库注释等。

It is a WordPress native Plugin and does not require any config or file changes or outside tool integration to work;


just activate the plugin and add a line of text to any post or page and your Gallery of Images will appear.


All options are handled through the regular WordPress Admin interface.

所有选项均通过常规WordPress Admin界面处理。

More features are in development now such as tagging, extensive theme control through Admin interface, and more.


Part of the www.AWSOM.org series of WordPress Plugins developed by Harknell, webmaster of the Webcomic at www.onezumi.com


Upgrading From Previous Version


To upgrade from a previous version to the 4.7.X version:


1) Go to the Admin Plugins menu and deactivate the previous version of AWSOM Pixgallery.

1)转到“管理插件”菜单,然后停用先前版本的AWSOM Pixgallery。

2) Delete the pixgallery folder from your wp-content/plugins folder

2)从wp-content / plugins文件夹中删除pixgallery文件夹

3) copy the new awsom-pixgallery plugin folder to the wp-content/plugins folder (please note the folder name now MUST be awsom-pixgallery)

3)将新的awsom-pixgallery插件文件夹复制到wp-content / plugins文件夹(请注意,文件夹名称现在必须为awsom-pixgallery)

4) go to the Admin Plugins menu and activate the 4.7.X version.


5) Upgrade is complete.


6) Optional steps: There is a new option in the Pixgallery options area to create the default cache folder used by the new version of the plugin.


It is not a requirement to switch to the new default cache folder if your previous one was working fine, it’s just an option.


For anyone having issues with their cache folder it is suggested to click the “Create Default Cache” button, which should eliminate


your issue.


The cache folder field will then automatically update to reflect that you are using the default cache folder.


You may delete the old cache folder you


were originally using.


7) AWSOM Pixgallery now also has the ability to create a default gallery folder in your uploads folder.

7)AWSOM Pixgallery现在还可以在您的上载文件夹中创建默认的图库文件夹。

You can create this folder by going to the Appearance Galleries admin


menu and clicking the create default gallery button.



The setup for the AWSOM Pixgallery plugin takes only a few steps and does not require you to edit config files or your theme.

AWSOM Pixgallery插件的设置仅需执行几个步骤,不需要您编辑配置文件或主题。

To get your gallery up and running please do the following steps in order (please read through the entire process before starting):


1) Download and unzip the plugin files to your computer.


2) Move the plugin folder called awsom-pixgallery to your website’s wp-content/plugin folder (please note it MUST be called awsom-pixgallery).

2)将名为awsom-pixgallery的插件文件夹移动到您网站的wp-content / plugin文件夹中(请注意,它必须称为awsom-pixgallery)。

3) Create a folder on your webserver to hold your images.


You can call this anything, but remember the name.


This folder does NOT have to be set to 777. If you need to create your own cache folder (see step 5) it is best to not have this folder or the cache folder in the same set of folders as either parent or child of the


other or as any part of the same chain of folders, so don't make cache/MyImageFolder or MyImageFolder/cache.

其他文件夹或属于同一文件夹链的任何部分,因此请不要创建cache / MyImageFolder或MyImageFolder / cache。

4) Log into your site and go to the Admin area and click the link to Plugins.


Find the AWSOM Pixgallery entry.

找到AWSOM Pixgallery条目。

Click the Activate link next to the plugin.


5) AWSOM Pixgallery will attempt to create a default cache folder for you.

5)AWSOM Pixgallery将尝试为您创建一个默认缓存文件夹。

If this does not work and you receive an error statement please do the following to create a cache folder:


Create a new folder on your webserver called “cache”, if you already have a folder called this you may name this folder differently, but remember the name you use.


This is where the plugin will save the automatically created thumbnails of your image gallery images.


Set the permissions for the cache folder to 777 using your FTP program (if you need help on how to do this please read the tutorial called 3: Moving Files to Your Web Server at the www.awsom.org website.)


In the Admin area click the top level link of “Options” and then in the options sub menu click the link for “Pixgallery” to go to the options area.

在管理区域中,单击“选项”的顶级链接,然后在选项子菜单中,单击“ Pixgallery”的链接,以转到选项区域。

In the Pixgallery options page scroll to the bottom and input the cache folder you created in step 3 in the field called Cache Path.

在“ Pixgallery选项”页面中,滚动到底部,然后在名为“缓存路径”的字段中输入您在步骤3中创建的缓存文件夹。

Make sure it has a / after it's name–so if you created it in the main folder of your site and it was called cache input it as cache/ If it was in a subfolder input it as MainFolderName/cache/ replacing the MainFolderName with whatever

确保它的名称后面有一个/,因此,如果您在站点的主文件夹中创建了它,并且将其称为cache,则将其输入为cache /如果在子文件夹中,将其输入为MainFolderName / cache /用任何内容替换MainFolderName

the name is of your folder you put the cache folder in.


6) Upload your images to the folder that you created in step 3. You can add images over time also and AWSOM Pixgallery will automatically thumbnail and add them to the archive whenever you add new images.

6)将图像上传到您在步骤3中创建的文件夹。您还可以随着时间的推移添加图像,并且每当您添加新图像时,AWSOM Pixgallery都会自动将其缩略图并添加到存档中。

7) To make your archive visible on a page start a new page (best usage) or post and add the following line of code to it:


[pixgallery path=”/MyImageFolder/”][/pixgallery]

[pixgallery path =” / MyImageFolder /”] [/ pixgallery]

Note how you place the MyImageFolder name in the code with a / before and a / after the folder name.


For convenience you can copy this code from the PixGallery Options area where an example is kept or use the code above.

为了方便起见,您可以从保存示例的PixGallery Options区域复制此代码,也可以使用上面的代码。

You may place text above or below this code and it will appear on the main page of your gallery.


8) Once you save and publish the page your gallery will appear.


9) You may create any number of image gallery folders you like as separate galleries, simply add the above code to a post or page to show the new gallery by referencing the folder you create.


You may even have multiple folders within the same gallery.


Any folders under a folder referenced by the code will be displayed in your archive as a sub gallery.


To see some examples of this please see the Art galleries at http://www.onezumiverse.com

要查看此示例,请访问http://www.onezumiverse.com 上的美术馆。

At Stage 8 you may want to also look at the default options for how Pixgallery will create your thumbnails, what grid it will present the thumbnails to the viewer (how many across and how many down), what sorting order they will be


in, etc. To read up on what each option does please see the AWSOM Pixgallery Options Guide.

等等。要了解每个选项的功能,请参阅《 AWSOM Pixgallery选项指南》。

