[wordpress插件] Beans Visual Hook GuideBeans Visual Hook指南

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-02 11:00 535 0 全屏看文



A Plugin tool to aid theme development with the innovative, flexible, and incredibly powerful Beans Framework.

使用创新,灵活且功能强大的 Beans 框架来辅助主题开发的插件工具。



When enabled alongside Beans Development Mode, this plugin displays all possible Markup Action Hooks made available by the Beans HTML API.

与Beans开发模式一起启用时,此插件将显示Beans HTML API提供的所有可能的标记动作挂钩。

Beans is a dream to develop with, as all markup and attributes added using Beans are registered using a unique Markup ID which can be exposed by enabling the Beans Development Mode in settings.


Once Development Mode is enabled, the Markup IDs are output in a data-markup-id tag in the front-end.


The values of which can be used by the various Beans APIs to rapidly develop beautiful themes.

各种 Beans API 可以使用其值来快速开发精美的主题。

Any markup added using Beans adds several dynamic action hooks both before and


after it:


{$markup_id}_before_markup, fires before the opening markup

  {$ markup_id} _before_markup,在打开标记之前触发

{$markup_id}_prepend_markup, fires after the opening markup

{$ markup_id} _prepend_markup,在打开标记后触发

{$markup_id}_append_markup, fires before the closing markup

{$ markup_id} _append_markup,在结束标记之前触发

{$markup_id}_after_markup, fires after the closing markup.

{$ markup_id} _after_markup,在结束标记后触发。

( _prepend_markup and _append_markup are not available for self-closed markup )


In short, this means pretty much anything can be added anywhere on any page by adding actions to the available hooks.


This plugin is intended as a companion tool to the Beans Development Mode and your Browser inspector.


It displays all of the available hooks that have been created dynamically by the Beans HTML API, making it easy for Beans Themes Developers to visualise the appropriate hook to use.

它显示了Beans HTML API动态创建的所有可用钩子,从而使Beans Themes开发人员可以轻松地可视化要使用的钩子。

The Beans logo and Beans name are being used with kind permission from the amazing people behind the Beans Framework.

Beans徽标和Beans名称得到了Beans Framework背后的令人敬畏的人们的友好许可。


    1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
    2. 将插件文件上传到 / wp-content / plugins / plugin-name 目录,或直接通过WordPress插件屏幕安装插件。

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”屏幕激活插件

