[wordpress插件] Bestseller Lists from the New York Times纽约时报的畅销书排行榜

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-03 13:50 508 0 全屏看文



Use this plugin to display all the bestseller lists from New York Times on your own site.


Optionally include links from your own local library catalog from each book.


The plugin uses an easy-to-use user-interface which updates quickly and “in-place” when changing lists without reloading the rest of the page.




WordPress 5.0

WordPress 5.0

Use the Bestseller Lists from NYT block.


You can optionally specify which list is initially displayed.


WordPress 4.x

WordPress 4.x

Use the [nyt-bestseller-listings] shortcode to embed the lists in your page.

使用 [nyt-bestseller-listings] 短代码将列表嵌入页面中。

You can optionally specify which list is initially displayed by using the initial-list attribute with the list slug as the attribute value.

您可以选择使用 initial-list 属性,并将列表标签作为属性值来指定最初显示的列表。

Get the list slug by first placing the shortcode in your page, then visiting the page and changing lists.


The page url will change as the list changes, and the list slug can be seen by looking for nyt-list=SLUG-HERE in your browser’s url bar.

页面网址会随着列表的更改而变化,并且可以通过在浏览器的网址栏中查找 nyt-list = SLUG-HERE 来查看列表条目。

So for example, to place the lists on a page and set the initial list to be children's picture books, you would use: [nyt-bestseller-listings initial-list="picture-books"]<

因此,例如,要将列表放置在页面上并将初始列表设置为儿童图画书,可以使用: [nyt-bestseller-listings initial-list =“ picture-books”] <


/ p>

To hide the images, add the following bit of css to your theme using the Additional CSS section in the Customizer: .nyt-bestseller-listings-img { display: none;

要隐藏图像,请使用定制器中的其他CSS 部分将以下css添加到主题中: .nyt-bestseller-listings-img {display:none;




    1. Upload this directory to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
    2. 将此目录上传到`/ wp-content / plugins /`目录

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    5. Configure the plugin by looking under Settings > NYT Bestseller Lists.

    6. 通过在“设置”>“ NYT畅销书列表”下查看配置插件。

      You’ll need to get an free API key from the NY Times, which you can do here: https://developer.nytimes.com/signup.

    7. 您需要从《纽约时报》获得免费的API密钥,您可以在此处进行操作:https://developer.nytimes.com/signup。

    8. Embed the shortcode in your page.
    9. 将简码嵌入页面中。

