[wordpress插件] Bottom Admin Bar底部管理栏

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-09 19:40 413 0 全屏看文



    • While you are logged in to WordPress, this plugin will move to the bottom the admin bar that is displayed on the web site.
    • While you are logged in to WordPress, this plugin will move to the bottom the admin bar that is displayed on the web site.

    • Press shift and A keys, you can toggles the visibility of the admin bar.

      Press shift and A keys, you can toggles the visibility of the admin bar.

    • あなたがログインしている間、ウェブサイトに表示される管理バーを下部に移動させます。

      While you are logged in, move the admin bar displayed on the website to the bottom.

    • シフトキー+Aで、管理バーの表示/非表示を切り替えられます。

    • Use Shift key + A to show / hide the management bar.


Install from dashboard

Install from dashboard

    1. Visit ‘Plugins > Add New’
    2. Visit ‘Plugins> Add New’

    3. Search for ‘Bottom Admin Bar’
    4. Search for ‘Bottom Admin Bar’

    5. Click on the ‘Install Now’
    6. Click on the ‘Install Now’

    7. Activate Bottom Admin Bar from your Plugins page.
    8. Activate Bottom Admin Bar from your Plugins page.

    Manual upload

    Manual upload

      1. Upload /bottom-admin-bar/ folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
      2. Upload / bottom-admin-bar / folder to the / wp-content / plugins / directory

      3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
      4. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


      Installation from the management screen

        1. ‘プラグイン > 新規追加’ページへ移動します
        2. Go to ‘Plug-ins> Add new’ page

        3. ‘Bottom Admin Bar’を検索します
        4. Search for ‘Bottom Admin Bar’

        5. ‘いますぐインストール’をクリックします
        6. Click 'Install now'

        7. プラグインページからBottom Admin Barを有効化します
        8. Enable Bottom Admin Bar from plugin page


        Install with manual upload

          1. /bottom-admin-bar/フォルダを、/wp-content/plugins/ディレクトリにアップロードします
          2. Upload the / bottom-admin-bar / folder to the / wp-content / plugins / directory

          3. プラグインメニューからBottom Admin Barを有効化します
          4. Enable Bottom Admin Bar from plugin menu

