[wordpress插件] bread面包

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-11 08:00 502 0 全屏看文



“bread” is a fork of the BMLT meeting list generator.


It allows for the creation of a meeting schedule from a BMLT server.



This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


    1. Download and install the plugin from WordPress dashboard.

    2. 从WordPress仪表板下载并安装插件。

      You can also upload the entire BMLT Meeting List Generator Plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory

    3. 您还可以将整个BMLT会议列表生成器插件文件夹上传到/ wp-content / plugins /目录

    4. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
    5. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    6. Go to the Meeting List menu option.
    7. 转到“会议列表”菜单选项。

    8. Click on Read This Section First.
    9. 单击“首先阅读本节”。

    Upgrade Information from BMLT Meeting List Generator (original)


    Follow all these steps, keep in mind that once you start using bread, it’s not going to be easy to back to the original plugin.


      1. Ensure that bread is de-activated.
      2. 确保禁用面包。

      3. Go to your existing “Meeting List”, and export the configuration.

      4. 转到现有的“会议列表”,然后导出配置。

        (This is in-case something goes bad and you need to undo something).

      5. (以防万一情况变坏,您需要撤消某些操作。)

      6. If you have a multi-site installation, be sure to export each one of the configurations within your Network.
      7. 如果您具有多站点安装,请确保导出网络中的每个配置。

      8. De-activate the BMLT Meeting List Generator plugin from your site or network (for multisites).
      9. 从您的站点或网络(对于多站点)停用BMLT Meeting List Generator插件。

      10. Activate bread.

      11. 激活面包。

        Bread is intended to be fully compatible with BMLT meeting list generator settings.

      12. 面包旨在与BMLT会议列表生成器设置完全兼容。

      13. If there is an issue, you can always de-activate bread and go back to the original plugin.
      14. 如果有问题,您可以随时停用面包并返回原始插件。

      15. You can always restore any files if something got damaged or corrupted assuming that you followed steps 2 & 3.
      16. 假设您已按照步骤2和3进行操作,则始终可以恢复任何文件的损坏或损坏。

