[wordpress插件] Brozzme Cookie NotificationBrozzme Cookie通知

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-12 01:10 435 0 全屏看文



Cookie Notification is a WordPress plugin.

Cookie Notification 是一个WordPress插件。

It allows you to inform users that your site uses cookies and to comply with the EU cookie law.


This plugin has been developed to improve the integration with no coding skills.


    1. Enable or disable without deactivate the plugin.
    2. 启用或禁用而不停用插件。

    3. Choose your message, modify it.
    4. 选择您的消息,对其进行修改。

    5. Enable or disable accept, decline and read more buttons.
    6. 启用或禁用接受,拒绝和阅读更多按钮。

    7. Customization with no coding and no file edit.
    8. 无需编码和文件编辑的自定义。

    9. Color picker to modify bar color.
    10. 颜色选择器以修改条形颜色。

    11. Cookie notification bar settings.
    12. Cookie通知栏设置。

    13. Select the cookie lifetime.
    14. 选择cookie的生存期。

    15. Generate privacy policy page on activation (if not exists).
    16. 在激活时生成隐私策略页面(如果不存在)。

    17. Choose how to embed the bar.
    18. 选择如何嵌入栏。

    19. Fixed, bottom, button border-radius

    20. 固定,底部,按钮边框半径

      ETC …

    21. ETC…

    You can add CSS3 animation with Brozzme Hover Integration plugin.

    您可以使用Brozzme Hover Integration插件添加CSS3动画。

    Translations are supported through PO/MO files located in the plugin folder “languages”.

    通过插件文件夹“ languages”中的PO / MO文件支持翻译。

    Following translations are already included in the Brozzme Cookie Notification:

    以下翻译已包含在Brozzme Cookie通知中:


    1. Upload \”brozzme-cookie-notification\” folder to the \”/wp-content/plugins/\” directory.
    2. 将“ brozzme-cookie-notification \”文件夹上传到“” / wp-content / plugins / \”目录。

    3. Activate the plugin through the \”Plugins\” menu in WordPress.
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件。

    5. Go to settings->Cookie notification.
    6. 转到设置-> Cookie通知。

