[wordpress插件] Category Specific RSS feed Subscription特定于类别的RSS feed订阅

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-18 17:20 538 0 全屏看文



This WordPress Plugin allows you to present a menu with multiple RSS feed subscription option to your site’s visitors in addition to your normal RSS subscription option.

除了正常的RSS订阅选项之外,此WordPress插件还允许您向站点的访问者展示带有多个RSS feed订阅选项的菜单。

If your site covers multiple topics then your subscribed readers may get annoyed when you update your site with content that they are not interested in and they get a notification in their RSS reader.


I found that most of the time I never subscribe to a site's RSS feed when it doesn't have the topic/category specific subscription option, specially when the site covers multiple topics cause I don't like to be hammered with all

我发现,在大多数情况下,当我没有特定于主题/类别的订阅选项时,我从未订阅过该站点的RSS feed,尤其是当该站点涵盖多个主题时,我不喜欢被所有订阅

the unwanted content updates.


This plugin allows you to show category specific RSS feed for all your categories.

此插件可让您显示所有类别的特定于类别的RSS feed。

Alternatively, you can configure up to 8 different custom topic specific RSS feeds.


RSS Feed for Your Tags


You can also create a tag specific RSS feed menu using this plugin.

您还可以使用此插件创建标签特定的RSS Feed菜单。

Create an rss feed menu for all of your tags on the blog using a simple shortcode.


There is an option to create a tag cloud with RSS feed of each tag also.


Tag RSS Feeds for a Specific Post/Article


You can use this plugin to show the tags and the rss feed of each tag for a particular article.

您可以使用此插件显示特定文章的标签和每个标签的rss feed。

This is very helpful if you currently show the tags of an article/post.


For information, updates and detailed documentation, please visit the Category specific rss feed plugin page.

“ rel =” nofollow“>特定于类别的rss feed插件页面。



There are three ways you can use this plugin:


    1. Add the Category Specific RSS Widget to your sidebar from the Widget menu
    2. 从“小组件”菜单将特定于类别的RSS小组件添加到侧边栏

    3. Add the shortcode [category_specific_rss_menu] to your posts or pages
    4. 将简码[category_specific_rss_menu]添加到您的帖子或页面中

    5. Call the function from template files:

    6. 从模板文件中调用该函数:<?php echo show_cat_specific_rss_menu();


    7. ?>

    8. Use the [tag_specific_rss_menu] shortcode to your posts, pages, sidebar widget to add a tag specific rss feed menu
    9. 在您的帖子,页面,侧边栏小部件上使用[tag_specific_rss_menu]短代码以添加标签特定的rss供稿菜单

    10. Use the [tag_specific_rss_cloud] shortcode to your posts, pages, sidebar widget to add a tag cloud with rss feed of each tag
    11. 使用[tag_specific_rss_cloud]简码到您的帖子,页面,侧边栏小部件中,以使用每个标签的rss feed添加标签云


    1. Unzip and Upload the folder ‘Category-specific-rss-wp’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
    2. 将文件夹“ Category-specific-rss-wp”解压缩并上传到“ / wp-content / plugins /”目录

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    5. Go to Settings and configure the options eg.

    6. 转到“设置”并配置选项,例如。

      your category names and RSS link of the specific topic.

    7. 您的类别名称和特定主题的RSS链接。

    8. Go to the Widgets menu and add the ‘Category Specific RSS’ widget to the sidebar or add the shortcode [category_specific_rss_menu] to a post or page where you want it to appear.
    9. 转到“窗口小部件”菜单,然后将“特定于类别的RSS”窗口小部件添加到边栏中,或者将简码[category_specific_rss_menu]添加到您希望其显示的帖子或页面上。

