[wordpress插件] Causality因果关系

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-18 23:30 420 0 全屏看文



Causality allows your cause, charity, or nonprofit to promote your campaign using Twibbon-style image overlays


Causality allows you to set up a series of image overlays.


Supporters on your site can easily add an overlay to their profile


picture on social networks, promoting your cause.


Adding Facebook integration


    1. Go to the Facebook Developers page and choose “Add a new app

    2. 转到 Facebook开发人员页面,然后选择“ 添加新应用

    3. The Display Name should be the name of your website or organisation – it will be shown to supporters when it asks for their authorisation.
    4. 显示名称应该是您的网站或组织的名称-当支持者要求其授权时,它将显示给支持者。

    5. Choose a category, this doesn’t matter too much.
    6. 选择一个类别,这没什么大不了的。

    7. Click Create App ID.
    8. 点击创建应用ID

    9. Click Get Started for Facebook Login.
    10. 单击入门进行 Facebook登录

    11. Click Save Changes at the bottom right.
    12. 点击右下角的保存更改

    13. Click Settings at the top right.

    14. 点击右上角的设置

      Enter your website’s domain under “App Domains” (e.g. amnesty.org.au)

    15. 在“应用程序域”下输入您网站的域(例如amnesty.org.au)

    16. Click Add Platform at the bottom of this page, and choose “Website”.

    17. 点击此页面底部的添加平台,然后选择“网站”。

      Enter your website under Site URL (e.g. http://amnesty.org.au)

    18. 在“网站URL”(例如http://amnesty.org.au)下输入您的网站

    19. Copy the “Application ID” shown at the top left.

    20. 复制左上方显示的“应用程序ID”。

      Enter this into your Causality settings.

    21. 将其输入您的因果关系设置。

    22. Click Save Changes.
    23. 点击保存更改

    24. Finally, click “App Review” at the top left, and toggle the “Make YourApp Public” box to be “Yes”.
    25. 最后,单击左上方的“ App Review”,然后将“ Make YourApp Public”框切换为“ Yes”。


Causality should work nearly out of the box.


    1. Install the plugin
    2. 安装插件

    3. Activate the plugin
    4. 激活插件

    5. Go to the plugin settings
    6. 转到插件设置

    7. Choose a campaign name, and upload some overlays (PNG, 960×960 recommended)
    8. 选择广告系列名称,并上传一些重叠式广告(建议PNG,建议960×960)

    9. To enable “Login with Facebook” functionality, you will need to create a “Facebook app”, and enter the ID under Causality settings.
    10. 要启用“使用Facebook登录”功能,您需要创建一个“ Facebook应用”,然后在“因果关系”设置下输入ID。

