[wordpress插件] CDN Image ProxyCDN映像代理

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-19 23:00 458 0 全屏看文



When developing locally, it’s common to use a database dump from a production site.


With large sites, it’s also common that the production site’s image uploads cannot be easily copied to the local environment, because there are simply too many of them.


While local environments like Pilothouse allow you to easily proxy image uploads to your local environment from the

Pilothouse 这样的本地环境使您可以轻松地将图像上传代理从本地

production site, that doesn't work so well if you add or change one of the registered thumbnail sizes in your local copy of the theme, since the new thumbnail size can't be proxied from production as it doesn't exist there.


You’re also not able to regenerate the needed thumbnail sizes locally, because the original image file is not present locally.


CDN Image Proxy solves this problem by using Jetpack Image CDN (

CDN Image代理通过使用 Jetpack Image CDN

formerly Photon) to proxy image uploads from your production site.


Jetpack Image CDN will automatically generate and serve any required thumbnail size on-the-fly, but CDN Image Proxy will tell it to look for the original image on your production server, rather than on your local URL.

Jetpack Image CDN会自动即时生成并提供任何所需的缩略图大小,但是 CDN Image Proxy 会告诉它在生产服务器上而不是本地URL上查找原始图像。

The result is that you can add or change registered image sizes locally whenever you want, and Jetpack Image CDN will generate and provide a CDN URL for whatever thumbnail size is required, sourced from the original image file located on the production site.

结果是您可以随时在本地添加或更改注册的图像大小,并且Jetpack Image CDN会生成并提供所需缩略图大小的CDN URL,该URL取自生产站点上的原始图像文件。


    1. Install and activate CDN Image Proxy on your local site
    2. 在本地站点上安装并激活 CDN Image代理

    3. Install and activate Jetpack on your local site
    4. 在本地站点上安装并激活 Jetpack

    5. Go to Settings > Media and save your production site’s URL in the field provided.
    6. 转到设置>媒体,然后在提供的字段中保存生产站点的URL。

    You can also define your production site’s URL as a constant in wp-config.php, like so:

    您还可以在 wp-config.php 中将生产站点的URL定义为常量,如下所示:

    define( 'CDN_IMAGE_PROXY_REMOTE_URL', 'http://example.com' );


