[wordpress插件] Civic Job Posting公民职位发布

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-24 00:10 473 0 全屏看文



With Civic Job Posting plugin you may improve the visibility of job posts published in your WordPress installation by automatically adding structured metadata in your job posting webpages.

使用Civic Job Posting插件,您可以通过在工作发布网页中自动添加结构化元数据来提高在WordPress安装中发布的工作发布的可见性。

These structured metadata make your job related pages eligible to appear using a special user experience in Google Search results.


The plugin provides you with the ability to create your own job postings and to enable (if you need so) Google indexing from the corresponding ‘Civic Job Posting’ settings page.


By installing the plugin the job posting metadata are always added in your job posting web pages, thus the related pages will be always indexed by Google as jobs irrespective of the selected option for google indexing.


Before enabling Google indexing from the plugin settings page you will need to create a service account with Google (please read more here) and fill in the corresponding information in the fields exposed by the Civic Job Posting plugin settings page.

/ prereqs#create-project“ rel =” nofollow“>此处),然后在“ Civic Job Posting”插件设置页面显示的字段中填写相应的信息。

Alternatively you may import the JSON file provided by Google and this will be automatically parsed to fill the corresponding fields.


Once Google indexing is enabled and Google Job Posting API is properly authorised to index information from your website you may start using this functionality.

启用Google索引并获得Google Job Posting API的适当授权后,您就可以索引您网站中的信息,您可以开始使用此功能。

Once a Job Posting post is created/edited/deleted the corresponding HTTP request is fired towards the Google Job Posting API requesting a reindex of your job post.


Google robots will almost instantly try to index your job posting webpage.


Thus you should ensure that Googlebot can crawl your job posting web pages (not protected by a robots.txt file or robots meta tag) and that your webserver is properly configured to allow frequent crawls.

因此,您应该确保Googlebot可以抓取您的职位发布网页(不受robots.txt文件或robots meta标记的保护),并且您的网络服务器已正确配置为允许频繁抓取。

In order to make Job Posting web pages match your website branding you may apply your own CSS rules and/or modify the corresponding templates.


Adapting the templates for archive, category and single job, is as simple as copying the corresponding files and ‘cjp-includes’ located in ‘civic-job-posting/public/partials’ plugin folder, to your theme root folder.

调整模板以用于存档,类别和单个作业,就像将位于“ civic-job-posting / public / partials”插件文件夹中的相应文件和“ cjp-includes”复制到主题根文件夹一样简单。

You may then proceed with any modification accordingly.



    1. Upload the entire plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
    2. 将整个插件文件夹上传到/ wp-content / plugins /目录。

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件。

    5. Create your own Job post.
    6. 创建您自己的职位发布。

    7. Configure the Google Indexing by selecting ‘Civic Job Posting’ on your admin menu.
    8. 通过在管理菜单上选择“民事职位发布”来配置Google索引。

