[wordpress插件] CleanCodeNZ Favorite Posts PluginCleanCodeNZ收藏帖子插件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-24 13:30 462 0 全屏看文



If your wordpress site is tracked by Google Analytics, then you can get access to all those stats about your site like visitors, keywords and pageviews.

如果Google Analytics(分析)跟踪了您的wordpress网站,则可以访问有关您网站的所有这些统计信息,例如访问者,关键字和综合浏览量。

But it is not easy to present some of those stats on your wordpress site if you want to, like which posts are visitor’s favorite posts?


because data in Google Analytics

因为Google Analytics(分析)中的数据

about the sites you are tracking are private to the account holder, not to the general public.


This plugin uses Google Analytics API to get the stats of favorite posts of your wordpress blogs and list them in a table

此插件使用Google Analytics(分析)API来获取您的wordpress博客的收藏帖子的统计信息,并将其列出在表格中

To use this plugin, you need a Google Analytics Account and a profile which is your wordpress install, your Google Analytics information are encrypted and saved in options.

要使用此插件,您需要一个Google Analytics(分析)帐户和一个配置文件(您的wordpress安装文件),您的Google Analytics(分析)信息已加密并保存在选项中。

Any issues: contact me.



    1. Ensure that extension php_curl is enabled for your php server
    2. 确保已为您的php服务器启用扩展名php_curl

    3. Upload this directory to your plugins directory.

    4. 将此目录上传到您的plugins目录。

      It will create a ‘wp-content/plugins/cleancodenzfavposts/’ directory

    5. 它将创建一个“ wp-content / plugins / cleancodenzfavposts /”目录

    6. WordPress users should go to their Plugins page and activate “CleanCode NZ Favorite Posts Plugin”.
    7. WordPress用户应转到其“插件”页面并激活“ CleanCode NZ最喜欢的帖子插件”。

    8. Now go to Settings->CleanCodeNZFP, type in your google analytics account and profile id
    9. 现在转到“设置”->“ CleanCodeNZFP”,输入您的Google Analytics(分析)帐户和配置文件ID

    10. Place in your pages or posts, or place

    11. 在页面或帖子中放置 <!-cleancodenzfavoritepostsgen-> ,或将 <?php cleancodenz_create_favposts();放置在页面或帖子中。

      ?> in your template.

    12. ?> 在模板中。

