[wordpress插件] Coming Soon Express即将推出

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-28 05:30 495 0 全屏看文



Coming Soon Express is the fastest way to get a ‘Coming Soon’ page launched on your website in two simple steps:

Coming Soon Express是通过两个简单的步骤在您的网站上启动“ Coming Soon”页面的最快方法:

    1. Install the plugin.
    2. 安装插件。

    3. Customize it with the built-in WP Customizer.
    4. 使用内置的WP Customizer对其进行自定义。



    Your landing page is up and running in 10 minutes or less.


    See a live preview while you edit — no more switching between tabs to see how your updates appear on the site!


    Your visitors will see the ‘Coming Soon’ page, while “logged-in” users are able to view and work on the website seamlessly behind the scenes.



This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


    1. Backup your site before installing a new plugin.
    2. 在安装新插件之前备份您的网站。

    3. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/coming-soon-express/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
    4. 将插件文件上传到 / wp-content / plugins / coming-soon-express / 目录,或直接通过WordPress插件屏幕安装插件。

    5. Activate the plugin.
    6. 激活插件。

    7. Go to Appearance > Customize.

    8. 转到外观>自定义。

      You will see a new Menu at the top for “Coming Soon Express”.

    9. 您将在顶部看到“ Coming Soon Express”的新菜单。

    10. Go to “Main Settings” and turn on the option for “Enable Functionality”.

    11. 转到“主要设置”,然后打开“启用功能”选项。

      Also turn on the option for “Preview In Customizer” to see your changes in the Customizer preview window.

    12. 另外,打开“在Customizer中预览”选项,即可在Customizer预览窗口中查看所做的更改。

    13. Go through the other Coming Soon Express sections to customize your Coming Soon landing page.

    14. 浏览其他即将推出的Express部分,以自定义即将登陆页面。

      Change the background image and text content easily.

    15. 轻松更改背景图像和文本内容。

    16. To add a Contact or Opt-In Form to your coming soon page, you must first download your preferred Forms plugin for WordPress.

    17. 要向即将到来的页面添加联系人或选择加入表单,您必须首先下载适用于WordPress的首选表单插件。

      We have developed Coming Soon Express to be compatible with Ninja Forms.

    18. 我们已经开发了Coming Soon Express,可以与Ninja Forms兼容。

