[wordpress插件] Contact Form 7 Textarea Wordcount联系表7 Textarea字数统计

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-31 08:10 627 0 全屏看文



NOTE : Due to a lack of time, the latest version of this plugin supports the latest version 4.4 of Contact Form 7, which itself has a minimum requirement of WordPress 4.3.

注意:由于时间紧迫,此插件的最新版本支持Contact Form 7的最新版本4.4,而Contact Form 7本身的最低要求为WordPress 4.3。

The 1.0.2 version of this plugin only works with older versions of Contact Form 7. It has been verified as working with versions 3.0 – 3.3.3, but with the CF7 update starting at their version 3.4 up through 4.2, this particular plugin may

此插件的1.0.2版本仅适用于旧版本的Contact Form7。已被验证可以用于3.0 – 3.3.3版本,但是CF7更新从其3.4版本一直到4.2,此特定插件可能

not work.


The Contact Form 7 Textarea Wordcount plugin inserts some additional functionality into the “Text area” field from the Contact Form 7 plugin.

Contact Form 7 Textarea Wordcount插件将一些附加功能从Contact Form 7插件插入“文本区域”字段。

Enabling this plugin adds an additional field when creating a new Text area, where you can specifiy a “Max Wordcount” for that form field.


When such a max wordcount is given, extra html/js is inserted on the front end view of your site's contact form(s), which shows the current word count for that textarea, and cuts off the text inside the field after the given number

如果给出了这样的最大字数,则将额外的html / js插入到您网站的联系表单的前端视图中,以显示该文本区域的当前字数,并在给定数字后截取字段内的文本

of words.


For more information, check out http:/

有关更多信息,请查看 http:/


/www.ninthlink.com/2010/12/30/contact-form-7-textarea-wordcount/ 。


    1. Upload the entire contact-form-7-textarea-wordcount folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
    2. 将整个 contact-form-7-textarea-wordcount 文件夹上载到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录。

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    This will add the extra field to the “Generate Tag: Text area” screen on the Contact Form editor.


