[wordpress插件] Cool Contact酷接触

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-02 12:50 724 0 全屏看文



The Cool Contact is an easy to install and use contact form that allows your visitors to send you messages by simply insert [cool_contact] to any page and contact form will appear

Cool Contact是易于安装和使用的联系表格,您的访问者只需将[cool_contact]插入任何页面即可向您发送消息,然后出现联系表格

the plugin uses a separate language file to easily translate the plugin into any language, it supports only English so far as it’s the first version, both in the back-end and front-end of the site.


admin area Overview



Contact Form Overview Overview




    1. it’s easy to install and get it work
    2. 易于安装和使用

    3. It uses AJAX to send data to the server to process
    4. 它使用AJAX将数据发送到服务器进行处理

    5. the submit button is disabled after submission to avoid multiple submission of the same form
    6. 提交后禁用提交按钮,以避免多次提交同一表格

    7. avoid multiple submission if the visitor reloaded the contact page
    8. 如果访问者重新加载了联系页面,请避免多次提交

    9. jQuery form validations
    10. jQuery表单验证

    11. a separate language file to support adding new language for the plugin
    12. 一个单独的语言文件,以支持为插件添加新语言

    13. easy to enable or disable fields to the form
    14. 易于启用或禁用表单中的字段

    15. choose between make a filed is required or not
    16. 是否需要在提交字段之间进行选择

    17. easy to set the maximum number of characters to any field
    18. 轻松设置任何字段的最大字符数

    19. easy to set the minimum number of characters to any field
    20. 轻松设置任何字段的最小字符数

    21. easy to get more information about the visitor like the IP, came from and browser
    22. 易于获得有关访问者的更多信息,例如IP,来自和浏览器

    23. an option to add a check box to send me a copy to the visitor
    24. 添加复选框以将副本发送给访问者的选项

    25. secure forum using captcha ( you can enable or disable it)
    26. 使用验证码的安全论坛(您可以启用或禁用它)

    27. allows you to set the email subject text
    28. 允许您设置电子邮件主题文本

    29. automatically set the from email to your domain name like that (webmaster@yoursite.com)

    30. 自动将“发件人”电子邮件设置为您的域名(webmaster@yoursite.com)

      to avoid sending the email to junk box, you can change it at the admin panel

    31. 为了避免将电子邮件发送到垃圾箱,您可以在管理面板上进行更改

    32. allows you to Specify the recipient’s email address which by default will set to the current user’s email address
    33. 允许您指定收件人的电子邮件地址,默认情况下它将设置为当前用户的电子邮件地址


    1. Upload the cool_contact folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
    2. 将cool_contact文件夹上传到/ wp-content / plugins /目录。

    3. Activate the plugin using the ‘Plugins’ menu in your WordPress admin panel.
    4. 使用WordPress管理面板中的“插件”菜单激活插件。

    5. You can adjust the necessary settings using your WordPress admin panel in “cool contact” .
    6. 您可以使用WordPress管理面板中的“联系人”调整必要的设置。

    7. Create a page or a post and insert the shortcode [cool_contact].
    8. 创建页面或帖子,并插入简码[cool_contact]。

    9. You can add or shortcode in any template.
    10. 您可以在任何模板中添加或简码。

