[wordpress插件] 1003 Mortgage Application1003抵押申请

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-01-20 14:00 807 0 全屏看文






FREE Premium While This Message is Here: Enter Beta at Checkout (1 Site Only / Save $197) Mortgage Application Plugin Website<

此消息在这里免费:在结帐时输入Beta(仅适用于1个网站/节省$ 197)抵押贷款应用程序插件网站<


/ a>

This is free so beta users can provide premium functionality feedback about our FNM 3.2 upload to ensure all fields are mapping properly.

这是免费的,因此Beta用户可以提供有关我们的FNM 3.2上传的高级功能反馈,以确保所有字段都正确映射。

1003 Mortgage Application is a very easy-to-use wordpress plugin built with the purpose of providing financial industry professionals with a quick and easy way to capture client information.


Our premium version also comes with a FNM 3.2 export as well as webhooks to allow this data to be automatically posted to 3rd party applications, all while never requiring a user to login or create an account.

我们的高级版本还带有FNM 3.2导出功能以及webhooks,可将这些数据自动发布到第三方应用程序,而无需用户登录或创建帐户。


    1. Upload the plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
    2. 将插件文件夹上传到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录,或直接通过WordPress插件屏幕安装插件。

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”屏幕激活插件。

    5. WP installations have the settings available under the “MTG Application” menu item.
    6. WP安装具有“ MTG应用程序”菜单项下可用的设置。

    7. Configure your general settings and outbound email settings here from the General Settings tab.
    8. 从“常规设置”标签中配置常规设置和出站电子邮件设置。

    9. Next you can configure the Form settings to display or hide almost any form field, save and make sure to test to ensure everything is coming through as you desire.
    10. 接下来,您可以配置“表单”设置以显示或隐藏几乎所有表单字段,保存并确保进行测试以确保一切都按照您的意愿进行。

    11. Once all the settings are configured you will copy the shortcode [mortgage_application_form] and place it on a page/post of your choice to show the application.
    12. 配置完所有设置后,您将复制简码[mortgage_application_form]并将其放在您选择的页面/帖子上以显示应用程序。




