[wordpress插件] Customizer Browser History定制器浏览器历史记录

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-10 20:20 448 0 全屏看文



This is a feature plugin intended to implement #28536: Add browser

这是一个功能插件,旨在实现#28536 :添加浏览器

history and deep linking for navigation in Customizer preview


This plugin keeps the Customizer URL in the browser updated with current previewed URL as the url query param and current expanded panel/section/control as autofocus params.

此插件可将浏览器中的定制程序URL更新为当前预览URL作为 url 查询参数,将当前扩展的面板/部分/控件更新为 autofocus 参数。

This allows for bookmarking and also the ability to reload and return go the same view (which is great for developers), including which device you are previewing (desktop, tablet, or mobile).


Not only will the URL be kept in sync with the current customizer UI, but new browser history entries will be added as you navigate around the site in the preview (via history.pushState()), allowing you

该URL不仅将与当前的定制程序UI保持同步,而且当您在预览中浏览站点时(通过 history.pushState())将添加新的浏览器历史记录条目,从而使您可以

to use the back/forward buttons as you would normally when browsing the site outside the customizer.


The scroll position for each previewed URL is tracked as well, so that when you navigate back/forward the scroll position will be restored, just as happens when browsing the site outside the customizer preview.


Restoring the scroll position also works when reloading the customizer, as the position is persisted in a scroll query parameter: again, this is extremely useful during development.

重新加载定制程序时,恢复滚动位置也可行,因为该位置将保留在 scroll 查询参数中:同样,这在开发期间非常有用。

This plugin complements well the Customize Snapshots plugin which allows you to save your Customizer state


in a shapshot/changeset with an associated UUID that also gets added to the browser URL in the Customizer.


For example, if you load the Customizer and then click the “Site Identity” section, the URL will be replaced to add autofocus[section]=title_tagline.

例如,如果您加载定制程序,然后单击“站点标识”部分,则将替换URL以添加 autofocus [section] = title_tagline

If you navigate into the nav menus panel, open a menu section, and then expand a nav menu item control, then the URL will have these autofocus params added:

如果导航到导航菜单面板,打开菜单部分,然后展开导航菜单项控件,则URL将添加以下 autofocus 参数:


自动对焦[面板] = nav_menus&自动对焦[section] = nav_menu [87]&自动对焦[control] = nav_menu_item [5123]

And while these changes to the autofocus params are being made in the browser's URL as the Customizer UI is interacted with, if you navigate to another page in the preview the url

在与Customizer UI交互时,在浏览器的URL中对 autofocus 参数进行了这些更改时,如果您在预览中导航到 url

> parameter will also be replaced to reflect the new preview URL.


Note that the url param will be URL-encoded.

请注意, url 参数将进行URL编码。

So a typical Customizer URL would get updated to look like:

因此,典型的Customizer URL将会更新为:


http://example.com/wp-admin/customize.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2Fsample-page%2F&autofocus [panel] = widgets&autofocus [section] = sidebar-widgets-sidebar-1&autofocus [


控制] = widget_text [10]&device = mobile&scroll = 200

The plugin will also persist the scroll position from the frontend to preview frame in the Customizer after clicking the “Customize” link in the frontend admin bar.


This ensures you can quickly start editing whatever you were looking at the moment you clicked Customize, and it makes the Customizer load from the frontend in a more seamless way.


Additionally, as you navigate around the Customizer preview, the close link in the Customizer controls pane will keep updating to point to the same URL that you are previewing, along with persisting the scroll position.


In this way, whenever you close the Customizer via this link the user experience is that the Customizer sidebar is just removed, similar to as if they clicked the “Hide Controls” link at the bottom of the sidebar.


This behavior is only active if the user had clicked the Customize link from the frontend.


If they clicked Customize from the admin, then the Close link will remain linking back to the admin page they came from.


Note that for responsive themes like Twenty Seventeen, the synced scroll position between the frontend and backend won’t always appear seamless since the Customizer controls panel being expanded causes the element dimensions in the preview to change.


Development of this plugin is done on GitHub.


Pull requests welcome.


Please see issues reported there before going to the 问题,然后再转到

://wordpress.org/support/plugin/customizer-browser-history">plugin forum.


