[wordpress插件] DC Popup CustomDC Popup自定义

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-13 13:10 481 0 全屏看文



The DC WordPress popup plugin allows you to create your own customized popups for any page or post on your WordPress installation.

DC WordPress弹出窗口插件可让您为WordPress安装中的任何页面或帖子创建自己的自定义弹出窗口。

This is great if you want to make sure you create relevant popups for the different content on your site, making sure you increase the conversion rates of each of your pages.


The WordPress popup plugin allows you to customize all of the HTML which is displayed in the popup, and also allows you to have specific parameters for each popup.


    • Ability to enable / disable the wordpress popup plugin window at will
    • 能够随意启用/禁用wordpress弹出插件窗口

    • Customize the text of the header to whatever you prefer
    • 根据您的喜好自定义标题的文本

    • Customize all of the HTML of the popup
    • 自定义弹出窗口的所有HTML

    • Choose whether to show the plugin on the following pages / sections (Home, Posts, Pages, Everywhere else)
    • 选择是否在以下页面/部分(主页,帖子,页面,其他任何地方)上显示插件

    • Choose whether to show it to Logged in Users or Logged out Users.
    • 选择将其显示给“已登录用户”还是“已注销用户”。

    • Choose whether you ALWAYS want to show the plugin or how often you would like to show the plugin
    • 选择是否始终要显示插件或您希望显示插件的频率

    • Define the number of seconds between showing the popup
    • 定义显示弹出窗口之间的秒数

    • Choose whether you want to lock the scrolling ability whilst the popup is showing
    • 选择是否要在显示弹出窗口时锁定滚动功能


To install the module, simple go to (Plugins > Add New> Upload Plugin), choose the file you have downloaded above and click on the upload and install button.


