[wordpress插件] Disable Search禁用搜索

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-18 12:10 468 0 全屏看文



Prevent WordPress from allowing and handling any search requests for the site.


Specifically, this plugin:


    • Prevents the search form from appearing if the theme uses the standard get_search_form() function to display the search form.
    • 如果主题使用标准的 get_search_form()函数显示搜索表单,则防止显示搜索表单。

    • Prevents the search form from appearing if the theme uses a searchform.php template
    • 如果主题使用searchform.php模板,则防止显示搜索表单

    • Prevents the search item from appearing in the admin tool bar when shown on the front-end.
    • 防止搜索项显示在前端时显示在管理工具栏中。

    • Disables the search widget.

    • 禁用搜索窗口小部件。

        • Removes the Search widget from the list of available widgets
        • 从可用窗口小部件列表中删除搜索窗口小部件

        • Deactivates any search widgets currently in use in any sidebars (they are hidden, not deleted; they’ll still be in the proper locations if this plugin gets deactivated)
        • 停用任何侧边栏中当前正在使用的所有搜索小部件(它们是隐藏的,不会删除;如果停用此插件,它们仍位于正确的位置)

      • With or without the search form, the plugin prevents any direct or manual requests by visitors, via either GET or POST requests, from actually returning any search results.
      • 无论有没有搜索表单,该插件都可以阻止访客通过GET或POST请求发出的任何直接或手动请求,而实际上不返回任何搜索结果。

      • Submitted attempts at a search will be given a 404 File Not Found response, rendered by your site’s 404.php template, if present.
      • 提交的搜索尝试将获得404文件未找到的响应,该响应由您网站的404.php模板(如果存在)呈现。

      The plugin only affects search on the front-end of the site.


      It does not disable searching in the admin section of the site.


      Links: Plugin Homepage |

      链接:插件主页 |

      Plugin Directory Page |

      插件目录页面 |

      GitHub |

      GitHub |

      Author Homepage



    1. Install via the built-in WordPress plugin installer.

    2. 通过内置的WordPress插件安装程序进行安装。

      Or download and unzip disable-search.zip inside the plugins directory for your site (typically wp-content/plugins/)

    3. 或在您网站的插件目录中下载 disable-search.zip 并解压缩(通常为 wp-content / plugins /

    4. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ admin menu in WordPress
    5. 通过WordPress中的“插件”管理菜单激活插件

