[wordpress插件] DMCA WaterMarkerDMCA WaterMarker

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-20 09:50 552 0 全屏看文



The DMCA.com WaterMarker plugin for WordPress allows you to easily integrate DMCA.com’s WaterMarking for a specific folder into your WordPress site.

用于WordPress的DMCA.com WaterMarker插件可让您轻松地将特定文件夹的DMCA.com的WaterMarking集成到WordPress网站中。

For more information about the features & benefits of the service visit DMCA.com

有关该服务的功能和优势的更多信息,请访问 DMCA.com



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Once installed and activated, you can use the DMCA WaterMarker page in your Dashboard’s Settings Menu to specify how your choice of badge should be displayed in posts and pages.

安装并激活后,您可以使用仪表板“设置”菜单中的DMCA WaterMarker页面来指定如何在帖子和页面中显示您选择的徽章。

You can also choose to display your badge site-wide using the DMCA Badge Widget.


You can use the badges for free but we suggest that you sign up for an account at dmca.com in order to receive the full benefit of the certified badges.



This section describes how to install the DMCA WaterMarker plugin and get it working.

本节介绍了如何安装DMCA WaterMarker插件并使其正常工作。

    1. Upload dmca-watermarker to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    2. dmca-watermarker 上载到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    5. Choose a free badge or provide your DMCA credentials in order to add a badge that is tracked from your DMCA Protection Portal.
    6. 选择免费徽章或提供DMCA凭据,以添加从DMCA保护门户网站跟踪的徽章。

    7. Customize the badge placement in the Theme Options section or add the DMCA Badge widget to your sidebar or footer.
    8. 在“主题选项”部分自定义徽章位置,或将DMCA徽章小部件添加到侧边栏或页脚中。

