[wordpress插件] Documentation Contents文件内容

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-20 20:41 1012 0 全屏看文



Create a table of contents for your documentation.


Mark your posts with multiple tags so you don’t have to duplicate posts to create a new version of your documentation when you have a version upgrade.


Put your posts in categories to order your documentation into chapters.


Optionally use a custom field for fine-grained control over the order of your posts.




In a page or post where you would like to display a table of contents enter the following shortcode.


[documentation-contents tag=”v1.16″ parentcat=”server”]

[documentation-contents tag =“ v1.16” parentcat =“ server”]

The above shortcode is used to display the page here.


The tag specifies the tag that you have used to mark the version of your software.


The parentcat is optional.


If you don’t specify it, the software will first look for a default parent category set in your Options and will finally just default to all.


Mark versions of your software using Tags


Use the WordPress tag feature to tag your post with the different version of software that it applies too.


You can tag the same post with multiple versions so that you don’t have to duplicate content.


Organize your documentation into chapters using Catagories


By marking your post as being in a category, that is the chapter that it will end up in. Your Table of Contents will use Category names as chapter headings.


WordPress allows you to create categories with sub-categories.


You can use this feature to host documentation for different things in the same place.


See screenshots for an example.


You then mark the parent (top-level) category in the shortcode e.g.


[documentation-contents tag="v1.16" parentcat="server"]

  [documentation-contents标签=“ v1.16” parentcat =“服务器”]

[documentation-contents tag="v1.16" parentcat="mobile"]

[documentation-contents tag =“ v1.16” parentcat =“ mobile”]

You can set a default parent category in Options.


If you do this, you could skip the parentcat option in the shortcode.


Use a custom field for fine-grained control over the order in which lessons appear.


In the absence of a custom field, the posts will just be displayed in alphabetical order.


However, I don’t find that its a good idea to use numbers in my post title to specify order.


Because a lesson can be used over and over again for multiple versions then you’re not always guaranteed that the first number you give it is going to be the right one.


So, in the options (see below) you can specify a custom field.


Once you start with custom fields, you can’t go back.


All posts that you want to show up in your documentation must have this custom field.


I use “lesson_order” as my custom field and as I'm starting out I use 10, 20, 30, 40 etc. That means that if I add an extra lesson later, I can make it 31 or 32 and I won't

我使用“ lesson_order”作为自定义字段,开始时使用的是10、20、30、40等。这意味着,如果以后再添加一堂课,我可以将其设为31或32,而我不会

have to change anything else and it'll work just fine.




Under the administration dashboard, Settings, you’ll find a page Documentation Contents.


See screenshots.


Contents Header is used as a custom prefix, so if you don't want it to say “Table of Contents for xxx” it can say “Documentation for xxx” or anything else you want.

Contents Header 用作自定义前缀,因此,如果您不希望它说“ xxx的目录”,则可以说“ xxx的文档”或您想要的其他任何内容。

Default Category is used to specify a default parent category, to save you typing out parentcat=”xxx” in each shortcode that you use.

默认类别用于指定默认的父类别,以免您在使用的每个短代码中键入parentcat =“ xxx”。

Specify order with Custom Field. If this is not set, then posts will be listed in alphabetical order.


If you do set it, then you will need to mark all your posts with this custom field in order for them to be displayed.





To add a WordPress Plugin with .zip file:


    1. Go to Plugins > Add New.
    2. 转到插件>添加新内容。

    3. Select Upload
    4. 选择上传

    5. Browse to the .zip that you have downloaded onto your computer
    6. 浏览到已下载到计算机上的.zip

    7. Click Install Now
    8. 点击立即安装

    9. If successful, click Activate Plugin to activate it, or Return to Plugin Installer for further actions.

    10. 如果成功,请单击“ 激活插件”将其激活,或者单击“返回插件安装程序”以执行进一步的操作。

    To add a WordPress Plugin through Search:


      1. Go to Plugins > Add New.
      2. 转到插件>添加新内容。

      3. Under Search, type in the name of the WordPress Plugin or descripitve keyword, author, or tag in the search form or click a tag link below the search form.
      4. 在“搜索”下,在搜索表单中键入WordPress插件或descripitve关键字,作者或标签的名称,或单击搜索表单下方的标签链接。

      5. Find the WordPress Plugin you wish to install.

      6. 找到您要安装的WordPress插件。

          • Click Details for more information about the Plugin and instructions you may wish to print or save to help setup the Plugin.
          • 单击“详细信息”以获取有关该插件的更多信息以及您可能希望打印或保存以帮助设置该插件的说明。

          • Click Install Now to install the WordPress Plugin.

          • 单击立即安装以安装WordPress插件。

        • A popup window will ask you to confirm your wish to install the Plugin.
        • 将弹出一个窗口,要求您确认是否要安装插件。

        • If this is the first time you’ve installed a WordPress Plugin, enter the FTP login credential information.

        • 如果这是您首次安装WordPress插件,请输入FTP登录凭据信息。

          If you’ve installed a Plugin before, it will still have the login information.

        • 如果您以前安装过插件,它仍将具有登录信息。

        • Click Proceed to continue with the installation.

        • 单击“继续”继续安装。

          The resulting installation screen will list the installation as successful or note any problems during the install.

        • 出现的安装屏幕将列出安装成功或在安装过程中记录任何问题。

        • If successful, click Activate Plugin to activate it, or Return to Plugin Installer for further actions.

        • 如果成功,请单击“ 激活插件”将其激活,或者单击“返回插件安装程序”以执行进一步的操作。

      To install a WordPress Plugin manually:


        1. Download your WordPress Plugin to your desktop.
        2. 将WordPress插件下载到桌面上。

        3. If downloaded as a zip archive, extract the Plugin folder to your desktop.
        4. 如果以zip存档的形式下载,请将Plugin文件夹解压缩到您的桌面。

        5. Read through the “readme” file thoroughly to insure you follow the installation instructions.
        6. 通读“自述文件”,以确保您遵循安装说明。

        7. With your FTP program, upload the Plugin folder to the wp-content/plugins folder in your WordPress directory online.
        8. 使用您的FTP程序,在线将Plugin文件夹上传到WordPress目录中的wp-content / plugins文件夹。

        9. Go to Plugins screen and find the newly uploaded Plugin in the list.
        10. 转到“插件”屏幕,然后在列表中找到新上载的插件。

        11. Click Activate Plugin to activate it.
        12. 点击激活插件以将其激活。

