
小游戏 企业微信 微信支付 小程序 文章 2020-07-30 21:22 2198 0 全屏看文




在前公司被领导逼迫,用个人邮箱及微信号注册及关联了小程序,用于公司业务。后来小程序经恶意举报被永久封禁,提示违规:《微信小程序平台运营规范》5.行为规范-5.11欺诈行为 违规内容截图如下:。首先声明,此业务早己在原公司停止,在这里提及仅为后续问题表述:1、此小程序在原公司运营时,为促活拉新,截图内的帮拼价格及奖励均为真实价格及奖励。因价格确实太低,又是运营后台手动开团,很快就会被抢光变成己抢光状态,而被恶意截图举报欺诈。 2、被永久封禁也可以,可以限制它的全部功能,或者停止小程序再发布上线,为什么不支持账号注销?普通人一个手机号对应一个微信号,邮箱也不会客意的去申请很多,就连带着个人的邮箱等都不能释放出来二次注册,是不是过于不合理? 3、申诉过一次后,就不让二次申诉了,怎么破? 万分想注销此小程序账号,释放出自己个人的相关资源,请各位朋友给指条明路,谢谢!

All the industry elites and administrators are very good! In the former company, he was forced by the leaders to register and associate the small program with personal email and wechat for the company's business. Later, the small program was permanently banned after malicious report, indicating violations: wechat applet platform operation specification 5. Code of conduct - 5.11 fraud violation content screenshot is as follows:. First of all, this business has been stopped in the original company, and it is mentioned here only for follow-up questions: 1. When this small program was operated in the original company, in order to promote the innovation, the price and reward in the screenshot are all real prices and rewards. Because the price is really too low, and the group is opened manually in the background of the operation, it will soon be robbed and turned into a state of being robbed, and the malicious screenshots are reported to be fraudulent. 2. It can also be permanently banned. You can limit all its functions, or stop the app from being released online. Why don't you support account logout? Ordinary people have a mobile phone number corresponding to a micro signal, and the email will not be willing to apply for a lot of things, and even personal email can not be released for secondary registration. Is it too unreasonable? 3. After a complaint has been made, a second appeal will not be allowed. How can it be broken? Would like to cancel this small program account, release their personal related resources, please point out the way to friends, thank you!





明路是不可能有滴 哈哈


