[wordpress插件] 3CX Live Chat and Talk3CX实时聊天

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-01-21 16:00 1192 0 全屏看文






This plugin requires 3CX Phone System V16.

此插件需要3CX Phone System V16。

Get 3CX for free for unlimited users, in your

为您的无限用户免费获取 3CX

Google, Amazon or Azure cloud account or on-premise on Windows or Linux.


3CX Live Chat & Talk is different from other live chat plugins – besides offering free live chat functionality for your website – it allows website visitors to call as well as chat.


Connect visitors to your call centre or sales team and watch conversion rates skyrocket!


Calls are forwarded to your phone system free of charge using WebRTC technology.




    • Free live chat for unlimited users, without any monthly subscriptions.
    • 无限制用户的免费实时聊天,无需每月订阅。

    • Site visitors can talk to you for free without having to install additional applications, drivers, controls or dial long numbers.
    • 站点访问者可以免费与您交谈,而无需安装其他应用程序,驱动程序,控件或拨打长号。

    • Visitors can communicate via chat and elevate the chat to an audio or video call, free of charge via WebRTC.
    • 访问者可以通过聊天进行通信,并通过WebRTC免费将聊天提升为音频或视频通话。

    • Your agents can handle large number of calls on their PCs or mobile devices with the free

    • 您的代理可以使用免费的在其PC或移动设备上处理大量呼叫。

      3CX Android and iOS apps.

    • 3CX And​​roid 和 iOS 应用。

    • Desktop notifications will inform you when a new live chats or calls occurs.
    • 桌面通知会在新的实时聊天或通话发生时通知您。

    • Offline form automatically collects web visitor info when you are unavailable or logged out.
    • 离线表格会在您不可用或注销时自动收集Web访问者信息。

    • Easy-to-use and customizable interface enables integration with your web site.
    • 易于使用且可自定义的界面使您可以与您的网站集成。

    Built-in Data Security


      • Request visitors to optionally provide their name and email to initiate a chat.
      • 要求访问者选择提供其姓名和电子邮件以发起聊天。

      • Authorization, Anti-Spam and Throttling mechanisms secure communication and limit the number of incoming unreplied chats to 3CX.
      • 授权,反垃圾邮件和限制机制可确保通信安全,并将未回复的聊天次数限制为3CX。

      • GDPR-compliant with no user tracking, no cookies and no personal chat and voice data stored on WordPress.
      • 符合GDPR,没有用户跟踪,没有cookie,也没有在WordPress上存储个人聊天和语音数据。



      For troubleshooting issues with the 3CX Live Chat

      有关 3CX实时聊天的问题排查

      & Talk plugin please refer to our <

      &Talk 插件,请参阅我们的 <

      strong>on-line guide or visit our forums page.


      3CX customers can also log in to the 3CX Customer Portal and open a support ticket.

      3CX客户还可以登录 3CX客户门户网站并打开支持通知单。

      If you do not have credentials you can signup for a Free 3CX license key and account here




    1. Go to Plugins in WordPress admin, search for 3CX Live Chat & Talk and click on Install Now.
    2. nofollow“> 3CX实时聊天和对话 ,然后点击立即安装

    3. After installing the plugin on WordPress, go to the 3CX v16+ Management Console in

    4. 在WordPress上安装插件后,请转到 3CX v16 + 管理控制台

      >Settings > WordPress/Website Integration > 3CX Live Chat & Talk section and enter your WordPress site URL , eg

      >设置> WordPress /网站集成> 3CX实时聊天和交谈部分,然后输入您的 WordPress网站URL ,例如


    5. https://my-wordpress.company.com

    6. Go back on the WordPress Admin, navigate to the left sidebar, click on 3CX Live Chat & Talk.
    7. 返回WordPress管理员,导航到左侧栏,单击 3CX Live Chat&Talk

    8. Click on Add New and follow

    9. 点击添加新内容,然后按照

      this guide from Create a “Live Chat & Talk” section.


      This will help you personalize the user experience a website visitor will face upon interacting with your WordPress site.

    10. 这将帮助您个性化网站访问者在与WordPress网站进行交互时所面对的用户体验。




