[wordpress插件] Ajax Live Search Plugin For WordPressWordPress的Ajax实时搜索插件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-13 18:20 532 0 全屏看文






A very fast and lightweight search plugin that sorts search results by relevance and saves user searches.


As a result:-


    • Your best content is shown to your users for relevant searches.
    • 您的最佳内容会显示给您的用户以进行相关搜索。

    • You can get new content ideas by looking at what your users are searching for.
    • 您可以通过查看用户搜索的内容来获得新的内容创意。

    • Download your users’ searches and analyse them with your favorite SEO tool.
    • 下载用户的搜索并使用您最喜欢的SEO工具对其进行分析。

    Other Features


      • Earn money – Promote your affiliate links as sponsored results above normal search results.
      • 赚钱–将您的会员链接作为赞助结果推广到正常搜索结果之上。

      • Live Search – live search loads search results while the user types.
      • 实时搜索-实时搜索会在用户键入时加载搜索结果。

      • Ajax search – speeds up searches by fetching search results without reloading the search page.
      • Ajax搜索–通过获取搜索结果而不重新加载搜索页面来加快搜索速度。

      • Autocompletes – Show search suggestions in the search box like Google does.
      • 自动完成功能–与Google一样,在搜索框中显示搜索建议。

      Ajax Live Search is a fast and lightweight alternative to other search plugins.

      Ajax Live Search是其他搜索插件的快速,轻量级替代方案。

      It highlights search terms in search results pages


      and shows you a log of what your website visitors are searching for.


      It allows users to search as they type, and search results are loaded without reloading the page.


      Ajax Live Search was born to solve the problems people faced with other WordPress search plugins.

      Ajax Live Search的诞生是为了解决人们面临的其他WordPress搜索插件问题。

      Most search plugins were either too slow, bloated, returned irrelevant search results or all three.


      Ajax live search is lightweight and uses indexes the same way Google does to ensure that searches are both fast and relevant.


      The pro version takes things a step further by using linear regression (artificial intelligence) to calculate the relevancy of a post or page to a search term.


      It takes into account factors such as the age of a post and the number of comments that a given post has when calculating it’s relevancy.


      The pro version is also x10 faster than the free version since it caches search results.


      We tested several plugins on a database containing 1 million wikipedia articles running on an old computer with 512 mb ram.

      我们在一个包含512 mb ram的旧计算机上运行的包含100万个Wikipedia文章的数据库中测试了几个插件。

      The pro version took an average of 135 milliseconds to search while the lite version took an average of 1.5 seconds.


      Most plugins were taking up to 2 days to index the data and 30 mins to fetch results.


      Note: Only the pro version supports sponsored results and downloading previous searches.


      About Ajax Live Search Pro

      关于Ajax Live Search Pro

      I built Ajax Live Search as a way to give back to the community, and therefore intended to include all features in a single free version.

      我构建Ajax Live Search是回馈社区的一种方式,因此打算将所有功能都包含在一个免费版本中。

      However, I also decided to release a pro version and use the proceeds to support a local charity run by my mum.


      I reduced the price by 300% to ensure that everyone can afford it.


      It’s a win win since you get a great plugin at a very affordable price and at the same time help educate a couple of needy children.


      So please consider  upgrading to the pro version.


      It costs a cup of coffee, and in doing so you will help send needy children to school and also get the following extra benefits:


        1. Earn money by displaying sponsored results at the top of regular search results.


        2. Download past searches and import them into your favorite keyword research tool.


        3. Keep your visitors happy by speeding search results up to x10.


        4. Use basic machine learning to show more relevant results to your users’ searches.


        5. Fetch more relevant search suggestions from Google or YouTube while reducing the load on your server.


        How to search


        You can search using the following search modifiers on your WordPress blog :-


          1. (+) A leading plus sign indicates that this word must be present.


          2. (-) A leading minus sign indicates that this word must not be present in any of the returned rows.


          3. (>) Indicates that this word should be given more weight.


          4. (~) Indicates that this word’s weight should be negated but not removed.


            See 2 above.


          5. (*) When you append an asterisk to a word;


            we match all words beginning with the value before the asterisk.


          6. (author: or @) Limit search results to posts by the author with the given username.


          7. (category:) Comma, “-” or “+” separated list of category slugs to search in. Use comma to get posts from any of the categories.

            (类别:)逗号,用“-”或“ +”分隔的类别条目列表,以供搜索。使用逗号可获取任何类别的帖子。

            Use “+” to fetch posts that appear in all the categories.

            使用“ +”获取出现在所有类别中的帖子。

            Use “-” to exclude posts from the given category.


          8. (tagged:) Comma or “+” separated list of tag slugs to search in. Use comma to get posts with any of those tags.

            (标记为:),以逗号或“ +”分隔的标签条列表供搜索。使用逗号可获取带有任何这些标签的帖子。

            Use “+” to fetch posts that have all those tags.

            使用“ +”来获取具有所有这些标签的帖子。

          9. (post_types:) comma separated list of post types to search.

            (post_types :)用逗号分隔的要搜索的帖子类型列表。

          Take a look at the getting started guide to learn more.



Minimum Requirements


    • WordPress 4.4 or greater
    • WordPress 4.4或更高版本

    • PHP version 5.4 or greater
    • PHP 5.4或更高版本

    • MySQL version 5.5 or greater
    • MySQL 5.5或更高版本

    NOTE: If you are installing the pro version, please make sure to uninstall the lite version first.


    Automatic installation


    Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you don’t need to leave your web browser.


    To do an automatic install of Ajax Live Search :-

    要自动安装Ajax Live Search:-

      • Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
      • 登录到WordPress仪表板。

      • Click on Plugins the menu bar.
      • 单击菜单栏上的插件

      • Click on the Add New link.
      • 点击添加新链接。

      • In the search field that appears;

      • 在出现的搜索字段中;

        type Ajax Live Search Plugin and press enter.

      • 键入 Ajax Live Search插件,然后按Enter。

      • Find the result that has Picocodes as the author and then install it by clicking Install Now!
      • 找到具有Picocodes作为作者的结果,然后通过单击立即安装进行安装。

      Manual installation


      The manual installation method involves downloading our search plugin and uploading it to your webserver via your favourite FTP application.


      The WordPress codex contains instructions on how to do this here.

      WordPress Codex包含此处的操作说明




