[wordpress插件] Altra Side Menu侧面菜单

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-16 23:40 505 0 全屏看文



The Altra Side Menu is an extension which enables a customizable side menu.


This side window can easily be used to set quick access links to social media sites or internal web pages to the user’s website.


You can also dynamically add the side menu blocks per your requirement.


The user can adjust the position of the side menu buttons by placing the side menu on the left or the right of their web page.


And, in the case they want to provide links to the social media pages of your company on your website, you can very easily associate the details with the Altra Side Menu button and add links to all the social media pages on your homepage

并且,如果他们想在您的网站上提供指向您公司的社交媒体页面的链接,则可以非常轻松地将详细信息与Altra Side Menu按钮相关联,并添加指向首页上所有社交媒体页面的链接


This allows site users to easily visit the social media links of your company.


Please check our Demo Link.


Features :-


    • Provides a unique way to present short-cuts to the links within the user’s website.
    • 提供了一种独特的方式来显示用户网站内链接的快捷方式。

    • One can dynamically change the details associated with the extension.
    • 一个人可以动态更改与扩展名相关的详细信息。

    • For example, one can change the icon/image/menu name/links from the back end.
    • 例如,可以从后端更改图标/图像/菜单名称/链接。

    • One can gain quick access to one’s favorite content/products/social Links with this Extension.
    • 使用此扩展程序,可以快速访问自己喜欢的内容/产品/社交链接。

    • Using this extension, one can have internal links to several pages of their website on one page.
    • 使用此扩展程序,可以在一个页面上具有指向其网站几页的内部链接。

    • The Altra side menu gives the user the flexibility to add the menu buttons as per the user’s requirement.
    • Altra侧菜单使用户可以根据用户的需求灵活地添加菜单按钮。

    • All side menu settings under one umbrella!

    • 所有侧边菜单设置都放在一把伞下!

      Users can choose whether they want to open the link in a new


      tab, in a new window, etc.

    • 标签,在新窗口中,等等。

    • Setting color for the buttons is easy!

    • 轻松设置按钮的颜色!

      Preview color shades on the go as and when you set them.

    • 设置时随时随地预览颜色阴影。


    1. Download the plugin and extract the files
    2. 下载插件并提取文件

    3. Upload \”altra-side-menu\” to your wp-content/plugins/ directory
    4. 将“其他菜单”上传到您的wp-content / plugins /目录

    5. Activate the plugin through the \’Plugins\’ menu in WordPress
    6. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    7. Check the \”Altra Side Menu\” Tab created by this plugins for setup.
    8. 检查由该插件创建的\“其他菜单\”选项卡以进行设置。

    9. You can upload your images for menu icon, set your menu URL, choose weather you want to display left or

    10. 您可以上传图像以显示菜单图标,设置菜单URL,选择要向左显示的天气或



    11. You can use the shortcode [altra-side-menu] in page/post, template tag for php file .
    12. 您可以在页面/帖子的短标签[altra-side-menu]中使用php文件的模板标签。

