[wordpress插件] Aspose Cloud eBook GeneratorAspose Cloud电子书生成器

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-22 03:50 520 0 全屏看文



Aspose Cloud eBook Generator Plugin for WordPress allows developers to create eBooks of their blog posts, articles, pages without requiring Microsoft Office.

用于WordPress的Aspose Cloud电子书生成器插件使开发人员无需Microsoft Office即可创建其博客文章,文章,页面的电子书。

This module demonstrates very powerful conversion & other features provided by Aspose.Words.


It asks for the posts for which eBook is to be generated and as soon as the posts are selected, it generate the eBook in different formats like epub.


Plugin Requirements


    • This Plugin works only with PHP version >=5.3
    • 此插件仅适用于PHP版本> = 5.3



      1. Functionality of reading text from the Presentation file.

      2. 从Presentation文件读取文本的功能。

        You can click on “Aspose Cloud Presentation Importer” button, it will popup a box, which will display two tabs “Select Local Files” & “Select Aspose Cloud Storage File”.

        您可以单击“ Aspose Cloud Presentation Importer”按钮,它将弹出一个框,其中将显示两个选项卡“ Select Local Files”和“ Select Aspose Cloud Storage File”。

        You can click on “Select Presentation file” button and select a Presentation file from your local machine, after successful upload, you need to click on the “Insert Presentation to editor” button.


        It will put the text from the selected Presentation file to the editor.

      3. 它将文本从选定的Presentation文件中放到编辑器中。

      4. Functionality of reading text from the Presentation file located at Aspose Cloud Storage.
      5. 从位于Aspose Cloud Storage的Presentation文件中读取文本的功能。


    1. Creating an account at http://cloud.aspose.com is a prerequisite for adding Aspose Key & ID in the settings.

    2. 在http://cloud.aspose.com上创建帐户是在设置中添加Aspose Key和ID的先决条件。

      Please check the link to see how you can get app keys http://www.aspose.com/docs/displayest/Creating+a+New+App+and+Getting+App+Key

    3. 请查看链接以查看如何获取应用程序密钥http://www.aspose.com/docs/displayest/Creating+a+New+App+and+Getting+App+Key

    4. Download the plugin and extract it.
    5. 下载插件并解压缩。

    6. Upload the directory ‘/aspose-cloud-ebook-generator/’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
    7. 将目录“ / aspose-cloud-ebook-generator /”上传到“ / wp-content / plugins /”目录。

    8. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
    9. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件。

    10. Click on ‘Aspose Cloud eBook Generator’ link to access the admin section.
    11. 点击“ Aspose Cloud电子书生成器”链接以访问管理部分。

