[wordpress插件] ATS2go JobsATS2go职位

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-22 19:20 544 0 全屏看文



Display your vacancies on your WordPress site quickly, easily and professionally with the ATS2go Jobs plugin.

使用ATS2go Jobs插件可以快速,轻松,专业地在WordPress网站上显示您的职位空缺。

ATS2go is a simple, sleek and secure Applicant Tracking System, designed specifically for small businesses and not-for-profit organisations.


Delivered by recruitment technology experts Hireserve, ATS2go lets you manage your entire recruitment process safely and securely online, saving you time and money.


The ATS2go Jobs plugin makes it easy for anyone with a WordPress website to display their job or volunteering vacancies.

ATS2go Jobs插件使拥有WordPress网站的任何人都可以轻松显示其工作或自愿空缺。

    • Display your jobs (or volunteering roles) on any page of your WordPress site
    • 在WordPress网站的任何页面上显示您的工作(或志愿角色)

    • No need to spend time uploading each job to your website or filling out individual details
    • 无需花费时间将每个作业上传到您的网站或填写个人详细信息

    • Simply add the ATS2go Jobs short code to your web pages – list your jobs in less than a minute!

    • 只需将ATS2go Jobs短代码添加到您的网页-不到一分钟即可列出您的工作!

    • Jobs list integrated seamlessly with the existing style of your WordPress site
    • 工作列表与WordPress网站的现有样式无缝集成

    Find out how ATS2go can transform your recruitment process: Watch


    our Video


    Not got an ATS2go account?


    No problem.


    Simply visit ww.ats2go.com, email

    只需访问 ww.ats2go.com ,通过电子邮件发送

    title="info@ats2go.com" rel="nofollow">info@ats2go.com or call 0844 324 5027 and press Option 1 and we'll get you set up in no time.

    title =“ info@ats2go.com” rel =“ nofollow”> info@ats2go.com 或致电0844 324 5027并按Option 1,我们将立即为您设置。


    1. Use the automatic installer or unzip and upload the folder wp-ats2go_jobs via FTP client to the wp-content/plugins directory.
    2. 使用自动安装程序或解压缩并通过FTP客户端将文件夹wp-ats2go_jobs上传到wp-content / plugins目录。

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件。

    5. Connect your ATS2go account to the plugin by inserting your “Verification Code” into the settings page field.
    6. 通过在设置页面字段中插入“验证码”,将您的ATS2go帐户连接到插件。

    7. Decide which page(s) you want your jobs list to reside and paste in the provided ATS2go Jobs short code.
    8. 确定要让您的工作清单驻留在哪个页面上,并粘贴在提供的ATS2go工作简短代码中。

