[wordpress插件] Attention Grabber (Hello Bar Alternative)Attention Grabber(Hello Bar替代品)

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-23 00:20 577 0 全屏看文



The Attention Grabber is designed to make sure all your visitors know about the things most important to you.

Attention Grabber旨在确保所有访问者都知道对最重要的事情。

Grab your visitor’s attention and get them to sign up for your email list, or tell them about a specific page they should visit.


This is a free alternative to HelloBar, a SaaS which charges based on the number of clicks the bar receives

这是 HelloBar 的免费替代品,SaaS是根据栏获得的点击次数来收费的


If your bar receives 7,500 clicks per month, HelloBar would cost you $50/month.

如果您的酒吧每月获得7,500次点击,则HelloBar每月的费用为$ 50。​​

Little bars like these are cropping up all over the Web (eg, at Neil Patel's QuickSprout), and it's

像这样的小酒吧在网上遍布(例如,在尼尔·帕特尔(Neil Patel)的 QuickSprout 上),

no wonder why—they do a fantastic job of getting your visitors to complete your goals for them.




Attention Grabber features the ability to:

Attention Grabber具有以下功能:

    • Sign up email addresses to your Customer.io account,

    • 将电子邮件地址注册到您的Customer.io 帐户,



    • Track the number of signups or clicks you receive using Google Analytics,
    • 跟踪您使用Google Analytics(分析)收到的注册或点击次数,

    • Customize the look and feel of the bar (background color, button color, etc.), and
    • 自定义栏的外观和风格(背景颜色,按钮颜色等),并且

    • Responsively show or hide content to fit comfortable at the top of the user’s screen.
    • 响应性地显示或隐藏内容,以使其舒适地位于用户屏幕的顶部。

    Licensing Information


    Attention Grabber is based on the Sunrise plugin framework,

    Attention Grabber基于 Sunrise插件框架

    by Vladmir Anokhin.

    Vladmir Anokhin撰写。

    Since it is based on the Sunrise plugin, the Attention Grabber is licensed under the GNU GPL 3 license

    由于它基于Sunrise插件,因此Attention Grabber的许可依据 GNU GPL 3许可证


    If you find the plugin useful, we request 2 things:


      1. You leave in tact the image link to Conversion Insights (the checkmark in the left

      2. 您保留了指向Conversion Insights 的图像链接(左侧的复选标记

        corner of the Attention Grabber bar), and

      3. Attention Grabber栏的一角)和

      4. You drop us a line (either by email or in a

      5. 您给我们留言(通过电子邮件或在

        comment on the blog) letting us know where you're using it and how you like it.

      6. 在博客上发表评论),让我们知道您在哪里使用它以及您的喜欢程度。


    1. Unzip the attention-grabber.zip file into your wp-content/plugins/ directory.

    2. 将tention-grabber.zip文件解压缩到您的 wp-content / plugins / 目录中。

      This will give you a new folder there called (creatively) attention-grabber.

    3. 这将为您提供一个新文件夹,名为(称为) attention-grabber

    4. Go to the Plugins page of your WordPress admin menu (probably located at your-site-here.com/wp-admin/plugins.php and click the “Activate” link for “Attention Grabber

    5. 转到WordPress管理菜单的“插件”页面(可能位于 your-site-here.com/wp-admin/plugins.php ,然后单击“注意”的“激活”链接

      , by Conversion Insights.”

    6. ,由Conversion Insights提供。”

    7. Mouse over Settings (in the left-hand side of the Admin screen, near the bottom of the menu) and click the Attention Grabber link.
    8. 将鼠标悬停在“设置”上(在管理屏幕的左侧,在菜单底部附近),然后单击“注意捕获器”链接。

    9. Go to the Primary Stuff tab and set up the tool.
    10. 转到“主要内容”标签并设置工具。

