[wordpress插件] AuthentiqAuthentiq

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-23 10:00 481 0 全屏看文



The Authentiq plugin allows users to simply use their phone to authenticate to your WordPress site, share their identity details

Authentiq 插件允许用户简单地使用手机对您的WordPress网站进行身份验证,共享其身份详细信息

safely, and sign out again remotely.


This plugin is for admins that are interested in moving beyond username and password, and do not want to burden their users with typing one time codes from SMS or authenticators or other methods that harm the user experience.


The Authentiq service is free (for most use cases) and does not store any user data centrally, but

Authentiq 服务是免费的(在大多数情况下),并且不会集中存储任何用户数据,但是

in the Authentiq ID app on the user's phone instead.

而是在用户手机的Authentiq ID应用中。



    • Use Authentiq as a convenience sign in (and sign up) method, or as a secure sign in method.
    • 使用Authentiq作为便捷的登录(和注册)方法或安全的登录方法。

    • In the latter case, replacing one time passwords (TOTP) or hardware tokens, option to still accept accounts with classic username & password.
    • 在后一种情况下,替换一次密码(TOTP)或硬件令牌,可以选择仍然接受具有经典用户名和密码的帐户。

    • On every sign in, the profile information is explicitly shared by the Authentiq ID app and updated in the WordPress profile, thus keeping it up to date on every sign in.
    • 在每次登录时,配置文件信息均由Authentiq ID应用明确共享,并在WordPress配置文件中进行更新,从而使每次登录都保持最新。

    • Visitors to your site that already have the Authentiq ID app installed can simply sign up by scanning a QR code or typing their email address and confirm on their phone.
    • 您网站上已安装Authentiq ID应用程序的访问者可以通过扫描QR码或输入电子邮件地址并在手机上进行确认来进行注册。

    • Block users by (verified) email domain, or limit to specific domains.
    • 按(经过验证的)电子邮件域阻止用户,或限制为特定域。

    • Optionally request social accounts, address, and (verified) phone numbers too.
    • 还可以选择请求社交帐户,地址和(已验证的)电话号码。

    • Remote sign out: your users can sign out with their Authentiq ID app, even when they left their session signed in on another computer.
    • 远程注销:您的用户即使使用其他计算机登录会话,也可以使用其Authentiq ID应用程序注销。

    • Existing users can activate Authentiq in their profile page for convenience or additional security.
    • 现有用户可以在其个人资料页面中激活Authentiq,以方便或提高安全性。

    You can check our demo site.




    You can have an Authentiq sign in button in any widgetized area / sidebar:


      1. Go to ‘WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets’.
      2. 转到“ WordPress信息中心>外观>小部件”。

      3. Drag and drop the “Authentiq” widget into any widgetized area / sidebar.
      4. 将“ Authentiq”小部件拖放到任何已小部件化的区域/边栏中。

      5. Configure settings on the widget and click save.
      6. 在小部件上配置设置,然后单击保存。

      Place and configure as many Authentiq widgets as you want.




      The plugin can be placed anywhere in your site using WordPress shortcodes.


      The shortcode is [authentiq_login_button].

      简码为 [authentiq_login_button]

      Additionally you can set some extra parameters, which are:


        • sign_in_text: Text shown in Authentiq button, when user is not signed in, in order to sign in.
        • sign_in_text :当用户未登录以登录时,Authentiq按钮中显示的文本。

        • linking_text: Text shown in Authentiq button, when user is signed in, but is not linked with Authentiq yet, in order to link the user account.

        • linking_text :当用户已登录但尚未与Authentiq链接以便链接用户帐户时,Authentiq按钮中显示的文本。



        • sign_out_text: Text shown in Authentiq button, when user is signed in and linked with Authentiq, in order to sign out.
        • sign_out_text :当用户登录并与Authentiq链接以便注销时,Authentiq按钮中显示的文本。

        • color_scheme: Authentiq button color scheme.

        • color_scheme :Authentiq按钮的配色方案。

          Use a number from 0: default, 1: purple, 2: orange, 3: grey, 4: white.

        • 使用0以下的数字:默认值,1:紫色,2:橙色,3:灰色,4:白色。

        Example use: [authentiq_login_button sign_in_text="Login" linking_text="Link your account" sign_out_text="Logout" color_scheme=1].

        示例用法: [authentiq_login_button sign_in_text =“登录” linking_text =“链接您的帐户” sign_out_text =“注销” color_scheme = 1]

        You can even place the shortcode in your template files




Automatic installation


Log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New.


In the search field type ‘Authentiq’ and click Search Plugins, once you find it, you can install it by simply clicking ‘Install Now’.

在搜索字段中键入“ Authentiq”,然后单击“搜索插件”,找到它后,只需单击“立即安装”即可安装它。

Manual installation


The manual installation method involves downloading the Authentiq plugin and uploading it to your webserver via your favorite FTP application.


The WordPress codex contains instructions on how to do this here.

WordPress Codex包含此处的操作说明

