[wordpress插件] Authors Page作者页面

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-24 00:40 510 0 全屏看文



This plugin displays a table of users with specific roles on a separate page by simply pasting the shortcode [authors_page].

此插件只需粘贴简码 [authors_page] ,即可在单独的页面上显示具有特定角色的用户表。

The table consists of avatars and usernames.


By using the “role” attribute you can choose to display only users of a certain role.

通过使用“角色” 属性,您可以选择仅显示具有特定角色的用户。

Example: [authors_page role="editor"]

示例: [authors_page role =“ editor”]

The users are ordered by post number, from highest to lowest.


You can also display the number of posts made by a user by adding the “counter” attribute, like this: [authors_page role="editor" counter="post"] In the “counter” attribute you

您还可以通过添加“计数器”属性来显示用户发表的帖子数,例如: [authors_page role =“ editor” counter =“ post”] 在“计数器”属性中,

can use the %post% placeholder to customize the look of the counter.


For example counter="# of posts is %post%" will display this: “# of posts is 123” where 123 is the number of posts made by a user.

例如, counter =“帖子数为%post%” 将显示以下内容:“帖子数为123”,其中123是用户发表的帖子数。

The old syntax – counter="post" – is still supported and is the same as this: counter="(%post%)"

仍支持旧语法– counter =“ post” –并与此相同: counter =“(%post%)”

Use the orderby="name" attribute to show the users sorted by their display name (the “Display name publicly as” field from the profile page).

使用 orderby =“ name” 属性显示按显示名称(配置文件页面中的“显示名称公开为”字段)排序的用户。

In order to view more details about a user in the table, you just have to click on the corresponding username and all available information will be displayed.


This feature is enabled by the WP Biographia plugin IF it is already installed.

如果已安装WP Biographia插件,则启用此功能。

Otherwise the default WordPress functionality will be used.


When activated, the plugin creates an “Authors Page” containing all shortcode options available, so you can preview how it works right away.

激活后,该插件会创建一个“作者页面” ,其中包含所有可用的短码选项,因此您可以立即预览其工作方式。

The “Authors Page” plugin is useful for displaying an interactive list of users/ authors on one page.


