[wordpress插件] Awesome Surveys很棒的调查

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-27 04:10 656 0 全屏看文



This plugin has reached its end of life and should no longer be used.


PHP 7 is not supported and support will not be added

不支持PHP 7,并且不会添加支持



If you are using a version less than 1.6.1 you need to update NOW


Version 2.0 is a major rewrite to address the issues of data loss that some users have been experiencing.


Surveys are now custom post types and leverage the WordPress post editor.


Individual responses are stored as post meta – each response is represented by one row in the post meta table for the survey.


This plugin allows you to create surveys with an easy-to-use form builder, publish surveys with a simple shortcode and view survey results in the admin backend.


You maintain control of your data.


Automatic form validation is included.




    1. You maintain ownership of your data – does not rely on third-party services.
    2. 您保持数据所有权 –不依赖第三方服务。

    3. Allows the creation of any number of surveys to collect data from visitors to your site.
    4. 允许创建任意数量的调查,以从网站访问者那里收集数据。

    5. Build your survey forms with the powerful built-in form builder.
    6. 使用功能强大的内置表单构建器构建调查表单。

    7. Optionally require login or cookie authentication in order for a user to take the survey.
    8. (可选)要求登录名或cookie身份验证,以便用户参加调查。

    9. Publish your surveys on pages or posts by including a shortcode new or link directly to them.
    10. 通过添加简短代码或直接链接到页面或帖子上,将调查发布在页面或帖子上。

    11. Advanced form field validation is included.
    12. 包括高级表单字段验证。

    13. View results of your surveys in the admin area of your WordPress site.
    14. 在WordPress网站的管理区域中查看调查结果。

    15. Extendable through action/filter hooks.
    16. 可通过操作/过滤器挂钩进行扩展。

    Known issues/limitations


      1. At this time, it is not possible to edit survey questions if the survey has responses.


        In the future I plan to re-implement this but only so much as to allow for the editing of text – You will not be able to add questions to a survey which has responses.


        You will not be able to add answers to questions if the survey has respones.


      2. Since the surveys are now custom post types, the actual survey form is saved


        as ‘post_content’.

        作为“ post_content”。

        This means that if WordPress was in English when you built the survey, but your site wants to be in another language, the English strings will still be output, i.e. ‘Submit Response’ & ‘make a selection…’.


        Likewise, even if your WordPress site was in your language but you didn’t have the translations available, those strings will be output in English.


        As a workaround, you can append some parameters to your url e.g.


        when on the general survey options screen, your url would look like this: “wp-admin/admin.php?page=awesome-surveys.php” add this to the url: “&translate-surveys=true” to force translation of all

        在常规调查选项屏幕上,您的网址应如下所示:“ wp-admin / admin.php?page = awesome-surveys.php”将其添加到网址中:“&translate-surveys = true”以强制翻译所有内容

        of your surveys.


        The translation strings for your language must be present in order for this to work.


        As another alternative, I would suggest implementing the WordPress ‘the_content‘ filter to change the strings to whatever you need them to be.

        作为另一种选择,我建议实现WordPress的 the_content 过滤器,以将字符串更改为所需的字符串。

      Additional Information


      Known Issues:


        • Versions prior to 1.6.1 are potentially vulnerable to malicious attacks – please do not use versions prior to 1.6.1


        • The Async JS and CSS plugin can cause the javascript for Awesome Surveys to not be loaded.

          Async JS和CSS插件可能导致Awesome Surveys的javascript无法加载。

          See this support thread for a workaround.


        • Survey form display hasn’t likely been tested with your theme.

        • 调查表单显示可能尚未通过您的主题进行测试。

          Styling may break and the form may look horrible.


          If you experience this, please do contact me with suggestions on how to fix it for your particular theme.

        • 如果您遇到这种情况,请与我联系,以获取有关如何针对您的特定主题进行修复的建议。

        • Cookie authentication for allowing/denying users to take the survey is very easily circumvented.

        • 用于允许/拒绝用户参加调查的Cookie身份验证非常容易被规避。

          If using cookie based authentication for your surveys, please keep this in mind.


          You will be far less likely to see “ballot-stuffing” if you are allowing registrations on your site and require the user to login to take the survey.

        • 如果您允许在您的站点上注册并要求用户登录以进行调查,那么您将不太可能看到“选票填充”。

        • Many developer features are unfinished at this time.

        • 许多开发人员功能目前尚未完成。

          If you are developing an extension for this plugin or using any of the action/filter hooks included, proceed with caution.

        • 如果您正在为此插件开发扩展程序,或者使用随附的任何动作/过滤器挂钩,请谨慎操作。

        Included Software


          To Do List


            • Widget to display surveys?
            • 显示调查的小部件吗?

            • Ability to add classes to survey form elements and add custom css.
            • 能够添加类以调查表单元素并添加自定义CSS。

            • Ability to export .csv file of the surveys
            • 能够导出调查的.csv文件

            • Your feature request here.
            • 您的功能请求在这里。



              • Your name could be here make a contribution today!

              • 您的名字可能在这里

                (see the FAQ for suggestions of how you can help with the development)

              • (请参阅常见问题解答以获取有关如何帮助开发的建议)


Option 1


    • Within your WordPress admin area, navigate to “Plugins”.
    • 在WordPress管理区域中,导航到“插件”。

    • Click the “Add New” link near the top of your screen.
    • 点击屏幕顶部附近的“添加新”链接。

    • Click the “Upload” link.
    • 点击“上传”链接。

    • Click the browse button and navigate to wherever you downloaded the zip file to, select the zip file
    • 单击浏览按钮并导航至将zip文件下载到的位置,选择zip文件

    • Click the “Install Now” button
    • 点击“立即安装”按钮

    • Click “Activate Plugin”
    • 点击“激活插件”

    Option 2


      • Extract the zip file
      • 解压缩zip文件

      • Upload (ftp) the resulting awesome-survyes folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
      • 将生成的 awesome-survyes 文件夹上传(ftp)到您的 / wp-content / plugins / 目录中。

      • Activate “Awesome Surveys” through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress
      • 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活“真棒调查”

      After Installation:


        • Once activated, your admin menu will have an item labeld “WtWM Plugins”, that item has a submenu item called “Awesome Survyes”, this is where you can configure build your surveys & view their results.
        • 激活后,您的管理菜单中将有一个标签为“ WtWM插件”的项目,该项目有一个名为“ Awesome Survyes”的子菜单项,您可以在其中配置构建调查并查看其结果。

        • Rejoice in how amazingly easy it is to create and publish surveys.
        • 创建和发布调查非常容易。

