[wordpress插件] AyeShortcodes简码

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-27 15:00 568 0 全屏看文



Helpful shortcodes with clean design, also a companion plugin for all themes available at AyeLabs.


Build with developers, performance and user experience in mind.




    • 20+ shortcodes
    • 20多个简码

    • Highly optimised, all assets are loaded only on the page shortcode is used
    • 高度优化,仅在使用简码的页面上加载所有资产

    • Theme authors can take advantage of assets management to load assets directly in theme and exclude the assets from plugin
    • 主题作者可以利用资产管理的优势直接在主题中加载资产,并从插件中排除资产

    • Clean design
    • 清洁设计

    • Easily extendable & development support ( via support forums )
    • 易于扩展和开发的支持(通过支持论坛)

    • Multilangual
    • 多语言

    • Works with any theme ( or plugin, if you wish so )
    • 可以使用任何主题(或插件,如果需要的话)

    • 100% responsive
    • 100%响应

    • Developed with love
    • 用爱发展

    Supported Shortcodes:


    [column] – Add a column using Bootstrap style.

    [列] –使用Bootstrap样式添加一列。

    Supports the following attributes:


    * lg – Large display size

    * lg –大尺寸显示屏

    * md – Medium display size

    * md –中等显示尺寸

    * sm – Small display size

    * sm –小尺寸显示屏

    * xs – Extra-Small display size

    * xs –超小显示尺寸

    * pull_lg – Pull for large display size

    * pull_lg –用于大尺寸显示的拉动

    * pull_md – Pull for medium display size

    * pull_md –用于中等显示尺寸的拉动

    * pull_sm – Pull for small display size

    * pull_sm –缩小显示尺寸

    * pull_xs – Pull for extra small display size

    * pull_xs –拉出较小的显示尺寸

    * push_lg – Push for large display size

    * push_lg –推动大尺寸显示

    * push_md – Push for medium display size

    * push_md –推入中等尺寸的显示

    * push_sm – Push for small display size

    * push_sm –推送以缩小显示尺寸

    * push_xs – Push for extra small display size

    * push_xs –推动以显示更小的尺寸

    * offset_lg – Offset for large display size

    * offset_lg –大尺寸显示的偏移量

    * offset_md – Offset for medium display size

    * offset_md –中等显示尺寸的偏移量

    * offset_sm – Offset for small display size

    * offset_sm –小显示尺寸的偏移量

    * offset_xs – Offset for extra small display size

    * offset_xs –偏移以显示更小的尺寸

    * pricing_table – Use this attribute to define a pricing table column, give it a name as value

    * price_table –使用此属性定义价格表列,并为其命名为值

    * pricing_highlighted – If this is the highlighted column from your table, add this empty attribute

    * price_highlighted –如果这是表格中的突出显示列,请添加此空属性

    ** Wrap the content inside of this shortcode **


    [aye_tabs] – Creates tabbed content.

    [aye_tabs] –创建选项卡式内容。

    Use it to wrap tabs created with [aye_tab].


    Supports the following attributes:


    * orientation – Choose the orientation of the tabs, possible options: “horizontal” and “vertical”.


    Default is “horizontal”


    ** Wrap the content and [aye_tab] shortcodes inside of this shortcode **


    [aye_tab] – Creates a tab content in [aye_tabs] shortcode.

    [aye_tab] –以[aye_tabs]短代码创建标签内容。

    Supports the following attributes:


    * title – Tab title


    ** Wrap the content inside of this shortcode **






    [aye_tab title="About You"]Describe yourself[/aye_tab]    

    [aye_tab title =“关于您”]描述自己[/ aye_tab]    

    [aye_tab title="Your Requirements"]What are your requirements?[/aye_tab]

    [aye_tab title =“您的要求”]您有什么要求?[/ aye_tab]


    [/ aye_tabs]

    [aye_button] – Adds a custom button.

    [aye_button] –添加自定义按钮。

    Supports the following attributes:


    * url – URL the button should link to

    * url –按钮应链接到的URL

    * label – Button label


    * target – Where to open the button URL.

    * target-在何处打开按钮URL。

    Basic target attribute values http://www.w3schools.com/TAGS/att_a_target.asp.


    Default value is empty, but if you add an external URL the _blank target will be added automatically.


    * id – Give an unique ID to the button

    * id –为按钮提供唯一的ID

    * postid – Link a post to the button ( ‘url’ attribute will be overwritten )

    * postid –将帖子链接到按钮(“ url”属性将被覆盖)

    * icon – Font Awesome icon id ( without fa- prefix )


    [aye_cta] – Creates an Call to Action section.

    [aye_cta] –创建号召性用语部分。

    Use [aye_button] to add a button inside of the CTA section.


    Supports the following attributes:


    * position – Content position.

    * position-内容位置。

    Supports: “left”, “right”, “center”.


    Default is “left”


    * background – Background color.

    * background –背景色。

    Default is “#007acc”.


    * color – Color for: button border, text and button label.

    * color –颜色:按钮边框,文本和按钮标签。

    Default is “#fff”.

    默认值为“ #fff”。

    ** Wrap the content inside of this shortcode **




    [aye_cta background="tomato"]    

      [aye_cta background =“ tomato”]    

    We have the best tomatoes!    


    [aye_button id="1" icon="shopping-cart" label="Buy now!"]

    [aye_button id =“ 1” icon =“购物车” label =“立即购买!”]


    [/ aye_cta]

    [aye_pricing_title] – Add a header title inside of your pricing table column.

    [aye_pricing_title] –在定价表列的内部添加标题。

    Use this shortcode inside [aye_column].


    Supports the following attributes:


    * title – Pricing table title ( ex. package name )

    * title-定价表标题(例如包名称)

    * price – The price displayed on your table without currency


    [aye_pricing_row] – Add a feature row inside of your pricing table column.

    [aye_pricing_row] –在定价表列的内部添加功能行。

    Use this shortcode inside [aye_column].


    Supports the following attributes:


    * content – A feature that table offers


    * icon – Font Awesome icon id ( without fa- prefix )


    Pricing table example with two packages:


    [aye_column md="6" pricing_table="demo" pricing_highlighted="true"]    

      [aye_column md =“ 6” Price_table =“ demo” price_highlighted =“ true”]    

    [aye_pricing_title title="Pack 1" price="$30"]    

    [aye_pricing_title title =“ Pack 1” price =“ $ 30”]    

    [aye_pricing_row content="Awesome feature"]    

    [aye_pricing_row content =“ Awesome功能”]    

    [aye_pricing_row icon="github" content="Github Compatible"]

    [aye_pricing_row icon =“ github” content =“ Github兼容”]


    [/ aye_column]

    [aye_column md="6" pricing_table="demo"]    

    [aye_column md =“ 6” Price_table =“ demo”]    

    [aye_pricing_title title="Pack 2" price="$50"]    

    [aye_pricing_title title =“ Pack 2” price =“ $ 50”]    

    [aye_pricing_row content="Awesome plugin"]    

    [aye_pricing_row content =“ Awesome外挂程式”]    

    [aye_pricing_row icon="gitlab" content="Gitlab Compatible"]    

    [aye_pricing_row icon =“ gitlab” content =“与Gitlab兼容”]    

    [aye_button url="" label="Icon Button" icon="gitlab"]

    [aye_button url =“” label =“图标按钮” icon =“ gitlab”]


    [/ aye_column]

    *Add the shortcodes without spacing between them to avoid p tag wrapping.


    [aye_progress_bar] – Create a simple progress bar.

    [aye_progress_bar] –创建一个简单的进度栏。

    Supports the following attributes:


    * percent – Percent the bar should load.


    From 0 to 100


    * label – Text label that will be displayed insinde of the loading bar


    * icon – Font Awesome icon id.


    The icon will be displayed before label, insinde of the loading bar


    [aye_message_box] – Create a message/alert box, personalized or using predefined styles.

    [aye_message_box] –创建个性化或使用预定义样式的消息/警报框。

    Supports the following attributes:


    * type – Predefined type of the box: error, warning, info, success.

    * type-框的预定义类型:错误,警告,信息,成功。

    Don’t use this attribute if personalized box is created.


    * text – Text the box will display


    Customization attributes:


    * icon – Add a icon at the begining of the box.


    * color – Text color


    * background – Background color


    [aye_icon] – Add an simple inline icon.

    [aye_icon] –添加一个简单的嵌入式图标。

    Supports the following attributes:


    * icon – The Font awesome icon id, without -fa prefix.


    [aye_drop_capital] – Creates a drop capital letter.

    [aye_drop_capital] –创建一个大写字母。

    Supports the following attributes:


    * letter – The letter


    * color – The letter color

    * color –字母颜色

    * font – The font-family style

    * font –字体系列样式

    [aye_blockquote] – Creates a blockquote.

    [aye_blockquote] –创建一个块引用。

    Supports the following attributes:


    * position – Choose between ‘left’ or ‘right’.


    Default is ‘left’.


    * columns – Choose the bootstrap columns classes.


    Default is ‘col-md-4’ ( width of four columns )

    默认值为“ col-md-4”(四列宽度)

    * author – The quote author

    * author-报价作者

    ** Wrap the content inside of this shortcode **


    [aye_label] – Creates a minimal text label.

    [aye_label] –创建一个最小的文本标签。

    Supports the following attributes:


    * icon – Add an icon on your label


    * background – Background color


    * text – Label text


    * arrow – Your label can have a small arrow on the sides, pointing at something.


    Choose the arrow direction from: left, right, bottom and top


    * color – Text color


    [aye_accordion] – Creates an accordion slider.

    [aye_accordion] –创建一个手风琴滑块。

    Supports the following attributes:


    * title – Title of the box

    * title-盒子的标题

    * active – Add this attribute without a value to open the box by default


    ** Wrap the content inside of this shortcode **


    [aye_divider_gotop] – Creates an simple border divider with Back to top link.

    [aye_divider_gotop] –使用“返回首页”链接创建一个简单的边框分隔线。

    Supports the following attributes:


    * border_color – The divider border color

    * border_color –分隔线边框颜色

    * border_height – The divider border height

    * border_height –分隔线的边框高度

    * color – ‘Back to top’ text color


    * margin – The top and bottom margins


    [aye_divider_headline] – Creates a styled divider headline.

    [aye_divider_headline] –创建样式化的分隔符标题。

    Supports the following attributes:


    * border_color – The two borders color

    * border_color –两个边框的颜色

    * color – Text color


    * background_color – Divider background color

    * background_color –分频器的背景色

    ** Wrap the content inside of this shortcode **


    [aye_lead_paragraph] – Transform your paragraph into a lead paragraph wikipedia

    [aye_lead_paragraph] –将您的段落转换为主要段落维基百科

    > .


    Doesn’t support any attributes.


    ** Wrap the content inside of this shortcode **


    [aye_tooltip] – Adds an simple tooltip to your content.

    [aye_tooltip] –在您的内容中添加一个简单的工具提示。

    Supports the following attributes:


    * text – Tooltip text


    ** Wrap the content inside of this shortcode **


    [aye_google_font] – Wrap your content with a Google Font.

    [aye_google_font] –使用Google字体包装您的内容。

    Don’t worry, the font will be loaded only on the pages this shortcode is used.


    Supports the following attributes:


    * font – Google Font name ( valid example: ‘Open Sans’ invalid example: ‘Open+Sans’ )

    * font – Google字体名称(有效示例:“ Open Sans”无效示例:“ Open + Sans”)

    * weight – The font weight, ex: 400. For italic style add your desired font weight followed by ‘i’, example for normal italic: 400i

    * weight-字体粗细,例如:400。对于斜体样式,请添加所需的字体粗细,后跟“ i”,例如对于普通斜体:400i

    ** Wrap the content inside of this shortcode **


    [aye_before_after] – Creates an before and after image slider.

    [aye_before_after] –创建前后图像滑块。

    Supports the following attributes:


    * before – Before image URL


    * after – After image URL


    [aye_counter] – Creates a number counter.

    [aye_counter] –创建一个数字计数器。

    The counter starts when your page loads.


    Supports the following attributes:


    * from – The number to start counting from

    * from –开始计数的数字

    * to – The number to stop counting at


    * speed – The number of milliseconds it should take to finish counting

    * speed –完成计数应花费的毫秒数

    * refresh – The number of milliseconds to wait between refreshing the counter



Manual Installation


    1. Unzip ‘AyeShortcodes’ inside of ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
    2. 在“ / wp-content / plugins /”目录中解压缩“ AyeShortcodes”

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    Recommended Installation


      1. Seach ‘AyeShortcodes’ in Plugins > Add new
      2. 在“插件”中搜索“ AyeShortcodes”>添加新的

      3. Click ‘Install Now’ and Activate the plugin
      4. 点击“立即安装”并激活插件

      Updates will be provided through the WordPress updater.


