[wordpress插件] Bible Verse of the Day每日圣经经文

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-04 18:50 492 0 全屏看文



This plugins shows a daily Bible verse or a random Bible verse from DailyVerses.net.

此插件显示每日圣经经文或 DailyVerses.net 中的随机圣经经文。

The plugin also supports Spanish, 西班牙语

">Portuguese, German,


rel="nofollow">Italian, Dutch and 荷兰语

net/sk" rel="nofollow">Slovak Bible verses.

net / sk“ rel =” nofollow“>斯洛伐克圣经经文。

The verses are from the NIV, KJV, ESV, NBV, BB, BGT, NBG, NVI, RVR60, RVR95, ARC, CEI, LUT, NEU, ELB and KAT translation.


The plugin can be used as a widget, so it’s easy to install.


After installing the plugin you will have two widgets: ‘Bible verse of the day’ and ‘Random Bible verse’.


You can also use tags: [bibleverseoftheday_niv] and [randombibleverse_niv], replace ‘niv’ with another translation if necessary, see list below.

您还可以使用以下标签:[bibleverseoftheday_niv]和[randombibleverse_niv],必要时用另一种翻译替换“ niv”,请参见下面的列表。

If the connection to DailyVerses.net for some reason fails, it will show the previous verse.

如果由于某些原因与 DailyVerses.net 的连接失败,它将显示上一节经文。

If there is no previous verse, the plugin will show John 3:16.




    • New Internation Version (NIV)
    • 新的国际版本(NIV)

    • King James Version (KJV)
    • 詹姆斯国王版(KJV)

    • English Standard Version (ESV)
    • 英语标准版(ESV)

    Spanish (Español)


      • Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI)
      • 国际语言交流协会(NVI)

      • Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR60)
      • Reina-Valera 1960(RVR60)

      • Reina-Valera 1995 (RVR95)
      • Reina-Valera 1995(RVR95)

      Widget: ‘Versículo del día’ (Bible verse of the day) and ‘Versículo de la Biblia al azar’ (Random Bible verse).

      小部件:“Versículodeldía”(每日圣经经文)和“Versículode la Biblia al azar”(随机圣经经文)。

      Portuguese (Português)


        • Almeida Revista e Corrigida (ARC)
        • Almeida Revista e Corrigida(ARC)

        Widget: ‘Versículo do dia’ (Bible verse of the day) and ‘Versículo da Bíblia aleatória’ (Random Bible verse).

        小部件:“Versículodo dia”(每日圣经经文)和“VersículodaBíbliaaleatória”(随机圣经经文)。

        German (Deutsch)


          • Luther 2017 (LUT)
          • 路德2017(LUT)

          • Elberfelder Bibel (ELB)
          • Elberfelder Bibel(ELB)

          • Neue evangelistische Übersetzung (NEU)
          • Neue evangelistischeÜbersetzung(NEU)

          Widget: ‘Bibelvers des Tages’ (Bible verse of the day) and ‘Zufalls Bibelvers’ (Random Bible verse).

          小部件:“ Bibelvers des Tages”(每日圣经经文)和“ Zufalls Bibelvers”(随机圣经经文)。

          Italian (Italiano)


            • Conferenza Episcopale Italiana (CEI)
            • 意大利Conferenza Episcopale(CEI)

            Widget: ‘Versetto della Bibbia del giorno’ (Bible verse of the day) and ‘Versetto casuale della Bibbia’ (Random Bible verse).

            小部件:“ Versetto della Bibbia del giorno”(每日圣经经文)和“ Versetto Casuale della Bibbia”(随机圣经经文)。

            Nederlands (Dutch)


              • Nieuwe Bijbelvertaling (NBV)
              • Nieuwe Bijbelvertaling(NBV)

              • Bijbel in Gewone Taal (BGT)
              • Gewone Taal(BGT)中的比耶贝尔

              • Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap (NBG)
              • Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap(NBG)

              • BasisBijbel (BB)
              • BasisBijbel(BB)

              Widget: ‘Bijbeltekst van de Dag’ (Bible verse of the day) and ‘Willekeurige Bijbeltekst’ (Random Bible verse).

              小部件:“ Bijbeltekst van de Dag”(每日圣经经文)和“ Willekeurige Bijbeltekst”(随机圣经经文)。

              Slovak (Slovenský)


                • Katolícky preklad (KAT)
                • Katolíckypreklad(KAT)

                Widget: ‘Biblický verš dňa’ (Bible verse of the day) and ‘Náhodný Biblický verš’ (Random Bible verse).



This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


    1. You can install the plugin by uploading the zip in the plugins section of wordpress, or by adding the files to the folder ‘/wp-content/plugins/bible-verse-of-the-day’.
    2. 您可以通过在wordpress的“插件”部分中上载zip或将文件添加到“ / wp-content / plugins / bible-verse-the-day”文件夹中来安装插件。

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件。

    5. English:


        • Widget: There are widgets added ‘Bible Verse of the Day’ and ‘Random Bible Verse’.

        • 窗口小部件:有一些窗口小部件添加了“每日圣经经文”和“随机圣经经文”。

          You can drag these onto the sidebar of your site, and select a bible translation.

        • 您可以将它们拖到网站的侧边栏,然后选择圣经翻译。

        • Replace tags: You can use the following shortcodes: [bibleverseoftheday_niv] and [randombibleverse_niv].

        • 替换标签:您可以使用以下短代码:[bibleverseoftheday_niv]和[randombibleverse_niv]。

          Replace ‘niv’ by another translation if necessary.

        • 如有必要,请用其他翻译替换“ niv”。

        • Template: Place

        • 模板:放置 <?php echo bible_verse_of_the_day(0,'niv');

          ?> or

          ?> <?php echo random_bible_verse(0,'niv');

          ?> in your template.


          Replace ‘niv’ by another translation if necessary.

        • 如有必要,请用其他翻译替换“ niv”。

        Dutch (Nederlands):


          • Widget: Er zijn twee widgets toegevoegd ‘Bible Verse of the Day’ en ‘Random Bible Verse’, deze kun je op de sidebar van je website plaatsen.

          • 小工具:Er zijn twee小工具toegevoegd“每日圣经经文”和“随机圣经经文”,网址为plaatsen。

            Selecteer de gewenste bijbelvertaling bij de configuratie van de widget.

          • 可选的gewenste选择器。可配置的窗口器。

          • Replace tags: Je kunt de volgende shortcodes gebruiken: [bibleverseoftheday_nbv] and [randombibleverse_nbv].

          • 替换标签:Je kunt de volgende短代码gebruiken:[bibleverseoftheday_nbv]和[randombibleverse_nbv]。

            Vervang ‘nbv’ eventueel door een andere ondersteunde vertaling.

          • Vervang'nbv'eventueel door een andere ondersteunde vertaling。

          • Template: Plaats

          • 模板:Plaats <?php echo bible_verse_of_the_day(0,'nbv');

            ?> of

            <?php的?> ?echo echo random_bible_verse(0,'nbv');

            ?> in je template.


            Vervang ‘nbv’ eventueel door een andere ondersteunde vertaling.

          • Vervang'nbv'eventueel door een andere ondersteunde vertaling。

