[wordpress插件] Blipper Widget拖鞋部件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-06 09:20 521 0 全屏看文



Displays the latest entry on Blipfoto by a given user in a widget on your WordPress website.


Note: you must have an account with Blipfoto to use this widget.


If you don’t have one, you can get one for free.


Currently, Blipper Widget:


    • displays the latest blip (image, title and date) in your Blipfoto account in a widget;
    • 在小部件的Blipfoto帐户中显示最新的blip(图像,标题和日期);

    • takes you to the corresponding blip on the Blipfoto website if you click on the image or its title and date (optional; off by default);
    • 如果您单击图像或其标题和日期(可选;默认为关闭),则将您带到Blipfoto网站上的相应blip;

    • displays your journal name and a link to your Blipfoto account (optional; off by default);

    • 显示您的日记名称和指向Blipfoto帐户的链接(可选;默认为关闭);


    • displays a link to the Blipfoto website (optional; off by default).
    • 显示指向Blipfoto网站的链接(可选;默认为关闭)。

    The image in the blip is not stored on your server: the widget links to the image on Blipfoto.


    View the plugin


    If you'd like to see the plugin in action, you can visit my WordPress site to see Blipper Widget showing


    my latest blip.


    If you'd like to see the plugin code, it's available on GitHub.






    Currently, only English is supported.


    I’m afraid I don’t yet know how to make other languages available.


    If you'd like to help, let me know in the comments on my Blipper Plugin page




    About Blipfoto


    Blipfoto is a photo journal service, allowing users to post one photo a day along with descriptive text and tags

    Blipfoto 是一种照片日记服务,允许用户每天发布一张照片以及描述性文字和标签。


    It uses OAuth 2.0 to ensure that your password is kept secure.

    它使用OAuth 2.0来确保您的密码安全。

    You will need to obtain OAuth 2.0 credentials from Blipfoto.

    您需要从Blipfoto获取OAuth 2.0凭据。

    NB This plugin is independent of and unendorsed by Blipfoto.


    Use of this plugin means you consent to this plugin accessing your Blipfoto account, knowing your username and performing actions including publishing your blips on your WordPress website.

    使用此插件意味着您同意该插件访问您的Blipfoto帐户,知道您的用户名并执行包括在Google WordPress网站上发布blip在内的操作。

    It does not post blips to Blipfoto.






      By using this plugin, you consent to it performing actions involving your Blipfoto account, including, but not limited to, obtaining your account details (excluding your password).


      You, the Blipfoto account holder, are responsible for the images shown on any website using the Blipper Widget with your OAuth credentials and access token.


      The Blipfoto PHP SDK is used under the MIT Licence.

      Blipfoto PHP SDK在 MIT许可证下使用。

      GDPR compliance


      Only your Blipfoto username, which is public information, is required, collected and stored by Blipper Widget.

      Blipper Widget仅需要,收集和存储您的Blipfoto用户名(即公共信息)。

      Your Blipfoto username will be retained by this plugin until you delete or uninstall the plugin.


      If you do not wish Blipper Widget to store your Blipfoto username, please do not use this plugin.

      如果您不希望Blipper Widget存储您的Blipfoto用户名,请不要使用此插件。

      Known issues


      There is a list of known problems and enhancement requests on GitHub.


      If you have a suggestion for how to improve Blipper Widget, please add it to GitHub.

      如果您对如何改进Blipper Widget有任何建议,请将其添加到GitHub。





      This plug-in is loosely based on BlipPress by BlipPress

      /lumpysimon" rel="nofollow">Simon Blackbourne.

      / lumpysimon“ rel =” nofollow“>西蒙·布莱克本。

      I very much appreciate having his work to guide me with the use of the Blipfoto API.

      非常感谢他的工作指导我使用 Blipfoto API



      I also used the excellent Rotating Tweets plugin to guide me with how to implement the settings page and the widget back-end

      我还使用了出色的 Rotating Tweets 插件来指导我如何实现设置页面和小部件后端


      In addition, I used WP-Spamshield as a model of how to implement uninstallation code.

      此外,我使用 WP-Spamshield 作为实现卸载代码的模型。


You can install this plugin either automatically or manually.


The instructions for each method are given below.


Automatic plugin installation


    1. Go to ‘Plugins’ > ‘Add New’.
    2. 转到“插件”>“添加新项”。

    3. Search for ‘Blipper Widget’.

    4. 搜索“ Blipper Widget”。

      Find the plugin in the search results the search results.

    5. 在搜索结果中找到搜索结果的插件。

    6. Click ‘Details’ for more information about Blipper Widget and instructions you may wish to print or save to help set up Blipper Widget.
    7. 单击“详细信息”以获取有关Blipper Widget的更多信息以及您可能希望打印或保存以帮助设置Blipper Widget的说明。

    8. Click ‘Install Now’ to install Blipper Widget.
    9. 点击“立即安装”以安装Blipper Widget。

    10. The resulting installation screen will list the installation as successful or note any problems during the install.
    11. 出现的安装屏幕将列出安装成功或记录安装过程中的任何问题。

    12. If successful, click ‘Activate Plugin’ to activate it, or ‘Return to Plugin Installer’ for further actions.
    13. 如果成功,请单击“激活插件”以将其激活,或单击“返回到插件安装程序”以进行进一步的操作。

    Manual plugin installation


    Installation of a WordPress plugin manually requires FTP familiarity and the awareness that you may put your site at risk if you install a WordPress plugin incompatible with the current version or from an unreliable source.


    You must also have permission to access your server by FTP.


      1. Backup your site completely before proceeding.
      2. 在继续操作之前,请完全备份您的网站。

      3. Download Blipper Widget to your computer, for example, to your desktop.
      4. 将Blipper Widget下载到您的计算机上,例如下载到您的桌面上。

      5. If downloaded as a zip archive, extract the plugin folder, wp-blipper-widget.
      6. 如果以zip存档格式下载,请提取插件文件夹wp-blipper-widget。

      7. Read the read-me file thoroughly to ensure you understand any installation instructions properly.
      8. 仔细阅读自述文件,以确保您正确理解所有安装说明。

      9. With your FTP program, upload the plugin folder to the wp-content/plugins folder in your WordPress directory online.
      10. 使用您的FTP程序,将plugin文件夹在线上传到WordPress目录中的wp-content / plugins文件夹。

      11. Go to the plugins screen and find the newly uploaded plugin, Blipper Widget, in the list.
      12. 转到插件屏幕,然后在列表中找到新上载的插件Blipper Widget。

      13. Click ‘Activate’ to activate it.
      14. 点击“激活”以将其激活。

      15. Check the read-me file for further instructions or information.
      16. 检查自述文件以获取更多说明或信息。

      OAuth 2.0

      OAuth 2.0

      You’ll need your Blipfoto username and an OAuth access token from Blipfoto to use the widget.


      Your username is the username you use to sign in to Blipfoto.


      Blipper Widget uses this information only to verify your account.

      Blipper Widget仅使用此信息来验证您的帐户。

      Blipper Widget does not have access to your Blipfoto password.

      Blipper Widget无法访问您的Blipfoto密码。

      To obtain the access token, follow the instructions below:


        1. Open the Blipfoto apps page in a new tab or window.
        2. 在新标签或窗口中打开 Blipfoto应用页面

        3. Press the ‘Create new app’ button.
        4. 按下“创建新应用”按钮。

        5. In the ‘Name’ field, give your app any name you like, for example, ‘My super-duper app’.
        6. 在“名称”字段中,为您的应用提供您喜欢的任何名称,例如“我的超级杜邦应用”。

        7. The ‘Type’ field should be set to ‘Web application’.
        8. “类型”字段应设置为“网络应用程序”。

        9. Optionally, describe your app in the ‘Description’ field, so you know what it does.
        10. (可选)在“说明”字段中描述您的应用,以了解其用途。

        11. In the ‘Website’ field, enter the URL of your website.
        12. 在“网站”字段中,输入您的网站的网址。

        13. Leave the ‘Redirect URI’ field blank.
        14. 将“重定向URI”字段留空。

        15. Indicate that you agree to the ‘Developer rules’.
        16. 表明您同意“开发人员规则”。

        17. Press the ‘Create a new app’ button.
        18. 按下“创建新应用”按钮。

        19. You should now see your Credentials (Client ID and Client Secret) and Access Token.

        20. 您现在应该看到您的凭据(客户端ID和客户端密钥)和访问令牌。

          Copy and paste the access token into the corresponding field on the Blipper Widget settings page.

        21. 将访问令牌复制并粘贴到Blipper Widget设置页面上的相应字段中。

        Note that if you refresh your access token, you must update it in Blipper Widget.

        请注意,如果刷新访问令牌,则必须在Blipper Widget中对其进行更新。

        You can revoke access from Blipper Widget to your Blipfoto account easily:

        您可以轻松地从Blipper Widget撤消对您的Blipfoto帐户的访问权限:

          1. Sign in to your Blipfoto account.
          2. 登录到您的Blipfoto帐户。

          3. Go to your Blipfoto app settings.
          4. 转到您的Blipfoto应用设置

          5. Select the app whose access you want to revoke, for example, ‘My super-duper app’.
          6. 选择要撤消其访问权限的应用,例如“我的超级用户应用”。

          7. Press the ‘Save changes’ button.
          8. 按“保存更改”按钮。

          Note that Blipper Widget will no longer work.

          请注意,Blipper Widget将不再起作用。

          Once installed and the OAuth credentials have been set successfully, add the widget to a widget-enabled area, and set up the settings on the widget form as you wish.


          When you view your webpage, you should see your latest blip in the widget-enabled area.


          If you can’t see it, please check your OAuth settings carefully.


          The widget settings are currently:


            • Widget title: customisable.

            • 小部件标题:可自定义。

              The default is ‘My latest blip’, but you can change it to what suits you or you can delete it and leave it blank.

            • 默认值为“我的最新消息”,但您可以将其更改为适合自己的状态,也可以删除并将其留空。

            • Include link to your latest blip: to link the displayed blip back to the corresponding entry on Blipfoto, tick the box.

            • 包括指向最新blip的链接:要将显示的blip链接回Blipfoto上的相应条目,请选中该框。

              The link has a rel=”nofollow” attribute.

              该链接具有rel =“ nofollow”属性。

              This option is unticked by default.

            • 默认情况下未选中此选项。

            • Display journal title and link: to include a link back to your Blipfoto journal, tick the box.

            • 显示期刊标题和链接:要包括指向您的Blipfoto期刊的链接,请勾选框。

              For my journal, the link will appear as ‘From Panda’s Pics’.


              The link has a rel=”nofollow” attribute.

              该链接具有rel =“ nofollow”属性。

              This option is unticked by default.

            • 默认情况下未选中此选项。

            • Include a ‘powered by’ link: to include a ‘Powered by Blipfoto’ link to be displayed, tick the box.

            • 包含“技术支持”链接:要显示要显示的“ Blipfoto技术支持”链接,请选中此框。

              The link has a rel=”nofollow” attribute.

              该链接具有rel =“ nofollow”属性。

              This option is unticked by default.

            • 默认情况下未选中此选项。

