[wordpress插件] Block Metadata阻止元数据

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-06 15:40 583 0 全屏看文



This plugin helps convert WordPress into a manager of our digital content, to publish it in different mediums or platforms: not just the website, but also email, iOS/Android apps, home-assistants (like Amazon Alexa) and others.

此插件有助于将WordPress转换为我们的数字内容管理器,以将其发布在不同的媒介或平台上:不仅是网站,还包括电子邮件,iOS / Android应用程序,家庭助理(例如Amazon Alexa)等。

It does this by extracting the metadata from all Gutenberg blocks inside of a blog post.


Because each Gutenberg block stores its own content and properties, these ones can be extracted as metadata and exported through a JSON object, accessible through a REST API endpoint, to feed any application on any platform.

由于每个Gutenberg块都存储自己的内容和属性,因此可以将这些内容和属性提取为元数据,并通过JSON对象(可通过REST API端点进行访问)导出,以提供任何平台上的任何应用程序。

The plugin makes the following REST API endpoints available:

该插件可提供以下REST API端点:

    • /wp-json/block-metadata/v1/metadata/{POST_ID}: Extract all metadata from all Gutenberg blocks in a blog post with id {POST_ID}, converted to medium-agnostic (eg: removing all non-semantic

    • / wp-json / block-metadata / v1 / metadata / {POST_ID}:从ID为{POST_ID}的博客文章中的所有Gutenberg块中提取所有元数据,并转换为中等不可知(例如:删除所有非语义的)

      HTML tags)

    • HTML标签)

    • /wp-json/block-metadata/v1/data/{POST_ID}: Extract all data from all Gutenberg blocks in a blog post with id {POST_ID}, as originally stored in the block by Gutenberg (eg: containing HTML

    • / wp-json / block-metadata / v1 / data / {POST_ID}:提取ID为{POST_ID}的博客文章中所有Gutenberg块中的所有数据,如Gutenberg最初存储在该块中(例如:包含HTML)


    • 代码)



      How does it work?


      This plugin is based on the strategy called “Create Once, Publish Everywhere” (also called “COPE”), which reduces the amount of work needed to publish our content into different mediums by establishing a single source of truth for all content

      此插件基于名为“一次创建,到处发布”(也称为“ COPE”)的策略,该策略通过为所有内容建立单一真相来源来减少将我们的内容发布到不同媒体中所需的工作量


      Having content that works everywhere is not a trivial task, since each medium will have its own requirements.


      For instance, whereas HTML is valid for printing content for the web, this language is not valid for an iOS/Android app;

      例如,HTML对于打印Web内容有效,而对于iOS / Android应用则无效。

      similarly, we can add classes to our HTML for the web, but these must be converted to styles for email.


      The solution is to separate form from content: The presentation and the meaning of the content must be decoupled, and only the meaning is used as the single source of truth.


      The presentation can then be added in another layer, specific to the selected medium.


      For instance, given the following piece of HTML code, the

      is an HTML tag which applies mostly for the web, and attribute class=”align-center” is presentation (placing an element “on


      是一个HTML标记,该标记主要适用于Web,并且属性class =“ align-center”是表示形式(将元素“放在

      the center” makes sense for a screen-based medium, but not for an audio-based one such as Amazon Alexa):

      中心”对于基于屏幕的媒体有意义,但对于诸如Amazon Alexa这样的基于音频的媒体却没有意义:

      Hello world!



      Hence, this piece of content cannot be used as a single source of truth, and it must be converted into a format which separates the meaning from the presentation, such as the following piece of JSON code:




      content: "Hello world!",  

      内容:“ Hello world!”,  

      placement: "center",  


      type: "paragraph"




      This piece of code can be used as a single source of truth for content, since from it we can recreate once again the HTML code to use for the web, and procure an appropriate format for other mediums.


      Supported Gutenberg blocks


      This plugin attempts to extract the metadata for all Gutenberg blocks shipped in WordPress core;


      support for additional blocks, such as from plugins, can be added through hooks.


      Not all Gutenberg blocks can be supported (for instance, because they may only work for the web, or only make sense when applied to screen-based mediums, among other reasons).


      The following WordPress core blocks are currently not supported:


        • "core/columns"
        • “核心/列”

        • "core/column"
        • “核心/列”

        • "core/cover"
        • “核心/封面”

        • "core/html"
        • “ core / html”

        • "core/table"
        • “核心/表格”

        • "core/button"
        • “核心/按钮”

        • "core/media-text"
        • “核心/媒体文本”

        The following Gutenberg blocks are supported, and this plugin extracts their metadata:


          • "core/paragraph"
          • “核心/段落”

          • "core/image"
          • “核心/图片”

          • "core-embed/youtube" (all other "core-embed" blocks can also be extracted, but must be implemented through a hook)
          • “核心嵌入/ youtube” (所有其他“ core-embed” 块也可以提取,但必须通过钩子实现)

          • "core/heading"
          • “核心/标题”

          • "core/gallery"
          • “核心/图库”

          • "core/list"
          • “核心/列表”

          • "core/audio"
          • “核心/音频”

          • "core/file"
          • “核心/文件”

          • "core/video"
          • “核心/视频”

          • "core/code"
          • “核心/代码”

          • "core/preformatted"
          • “核心/预格式化”

          • "core/quote"
          • “核心/引号”

          • "core/pullquote"
          • “核心/引号”

          • "core/verse"
          • “核心/诗歌”

          Extracting metadata for additional blocks


          We can extend this plugin to extract the metadata for additional blocks, such as those shipped through plugins.


          To do this, simply add a hook for filter "Leoloso\BlockMetadata\Metadata::blockMeta" (located in function get_block_metadata($block_data) from class Metadata<

          为此,只需为过滤器“ Leoloso \ BlockMetadata \ Metadata :: blockMeta” (位于函数 get_block_metadata($ block_data)来自类 Metadata <

          /code> in file block-metadata/src/Metadata.php).

          / code>在文件 block-metadata / src / Metadata.php 中)。

          The attributes that must be extracted must be decided on a block type by block type basis:


          add_filter("Leoloso\BlockMetadata\Metadata::blockMeta", "extract_additional_block_metadata", 10, 3);

            add_filter(“ Leoloso \ BlockMetadata \ Metadata :: blockMeta”,“ extract_additional_block_metadata”,10,3);

          function extract_additional_block_metadata($blockMeta, $blockName, $block)

          函数extract_additional_block_metadata($ blockMeta,$ blockName,$ block)



          if ($blockName == "my-plugin/my-block-name") {    

          如果($ blockName ==“ my-plugin / my-block-name”){    

          return array(      


          "property1" => $block["property1"],      

          “ property1” => $ block [“ property1”],      

          "property2" => $block["property2"]    

          “ property2” => $ block [“ property2”]    





          return $blockMeta;

          返回$ blockMeta;



          Further references



    1. Make sure pretty permalinks are enabled (eg: “/%postname%/”)
    2. 确保已启用漂亮的永久链接(例如:“ /%postname%/”)

    3. Install and activate this plugin
    4. 安装并激活此插件

