[wordpress插件] BlueSnap Payment Gateway for WooCommerceWooCommerce的BlueSnap付款网关

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-08 00:20 489 0 全屏看文



Why use the BlueSnap Payment Gateway for WooCommerce


    • Accept all major debit and credit cards as well as Apple Pay
    • 接受所有主要的借记卡和信用卡以及Apple Pay

    • Simplify your PCI compliance using our built-in Hosted Payment Fields.

    • 使用我们内置的托管付款字段来简化您的PCI合规性。

      Your shoppers never leave your site while you maintain easy PCI compliance.

    • 在您轻松遵守PCI标准的同时,您的购物者永远不会离开您的网站。

    • Supports Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) with 3D Secure
    • 通过3D Secure支持强大的客户身份验证(SCA)

    • Identify and prevent fraud with built-in fraud protection from Kount
    • 使用Kount内置的欺诈保护功能来识别和预防欺诈行为

    • Sell in 100 currencies
    • 以100种货币出售

    • Support for WooCommerce pre-orders
    • 支持WooCommerce预订

    • Support recurring payments via WooCommerce Subscriptions
    • 通过WooCommerce订阅支持定期付款

    A secure and frictionless checkout flow


    The BlueSnap Payment Gateway for WooCommerce uses our Hosted Payment Fields to provide you with a seamless, PCI-compliant checkout experience that works within any browser or device.


    Our Hosted Payment Fields silently collect your shopper’s sensitive payment data on BlueSnap servers without interrupting the checkout flow.


    Sell and settle in multiple currencies


    A simple way to help your shoppers complete their purchase is to offer your products in the currency of your shoppers.


    The BlueSnap Payment Gateway allows your shoppers to checkout in 100 different currencies and, as an added benefit, using the BlueSnap Payment Gateway gets you access to our connections to 30 global banks.

    BlueSnap Payment Gateway允许您的购物者以100种不同的货币结帐,此外,使用BlueSnap Payment Gateway可以使您访问我们与30家全球银行的联系。

    When your shopper completes their purchase, BlueSnap paves the most efficient path to payment success by routing the transaction to the most appropriate local bank for your shopper, minimizing decline rates and maximizing revenue gains.


    Once the sale is complete and you need to get paid, BlueSnap works with you by offering the option to get money into your account in one of our 17 like-for-like payout currencies.


    Fraud Protection and 3D Secuure


    The BlueSnap Payment Gateway offers Kount Fraud protection right from the plugin to best optimize the checkout flow.

    BlueSnap Payment Gateway从插件开始提供Kount Fraud保护,以最佳地优化结帐流程。

    We also provide the option to select advanced fraud options if you want to customize your level of fraud screening.


    In addition, as you sell to shoppers around the world, you’ll likely run into a location where you are required to support a 3D Secure checkout experience.


    The BlueSnap Payment Gateway has built-in support for 3DS so you aren’t out of compliance in the regions where this is mandatory.

    BlueSnap Payment Gateway内置了对3DS的支持,因此在强制执行此操作的区域中,您不会超出合规性。

    Full support for Subscriptions and Pre-Orders


    The BlueSnap Payment Gateway provides support for WooCommerce Subscriptions, offering support for all of subscription features, includig payment date changes, subscription date changes, and more.

    BlueSnap Payment Gateway为 WooCommerce订阅提供支持,为所有订阅功能,包括付款日期更改,订阅日期更改等提供支持。

    The gateway also fully supports WooCommerce Pre-Orders, so you can take customer’s payment information upfront and then automatically charge their payment method once the pre-order is released.

    该网关还完全支持 WooCommerce预购订单,因此您可以预先获取客户的付款信息,然后在发布预购订单后自动向他们的付款方式收费。

    Recommended Versions


    We recommend that you use the following versions when using the BlueSnap plugin for WooCommerce.


    The plugin may work when using older versions of PHP and MySQL as well;


    however, the following versions have been tested to ensure compatibility.


    * PHP: 5.6 or later

    * PHP:5.6或更高版本

    * MySQL: 5.6 or later

    * MySQL:5.6或更高版本

    * WordPress: 4.5.3 or later

    * WordPress:4.5.3或更高版本

    * WooCommerce: 3.0 or later

    * WooCommerce:3.0或更高版本

    * WooCommerce Pre-Orders: 1.4.4 (minimum version supported)

    * WooCommerce预购:1.4.4(支持最低版本)

    * WooCommerce Subscriptions: 2.0.8 (minimum version supported)

    * WooCommerce订阅:2.0.8(支持最低版本)



    This guide assumes that you have:


    * A working WordPress platform


    WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin that is installed on top of the WordPress platform.


    If you don’t yet have a working WordPress installation, you may want to contact your website hosting provider, as many of them supply a quick-install process for WordPress.


      • WooCommerce software installed and uploaded to your server.


        If you need the plugin, go to: https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce/ or to http://www.woothemes.com/woocommerce/ to download the WooCommerce plugin.


      • If you want to use the Pre-Orders or Subscription functionalities, make sure that the respective plugins are also installed in your WordPress website:


          • Pre-Orders: http://www.woothemes.com/products/woocommerce-pre-orders/
          • 预购:http://www.woothemes.com/products/woocommerce-pre-orders/

          • Subscriptions: http://www.woothemes.com/products/woocommerce-subscriptions/
          • 订阅:http://www.woothemes.com/products/woocommerce-subscriptions/

        PCI compliance


        A PCI compliance of SAQ-A is required.


        Setup Steps


        Step 1: Configure your BlueSnap account settings


        Before you install the BlueSnap extension, complete these steps in your BlueSnap account:


        1. Set up your BlueSnap API Credentials(https://developers.bluesnap.com/v8976-Basics/docs/api-credentials).

        1.设置您的BlueSnap API凭据(https://developers.bluesnap.com/v8976-Basics/docs/api-credentials)。

        Make note of your API username and password;


        you need them in later steps.


          1. Define the authorized IP address for your server.


          2. Configure your payout settings (https://support.bluesnap.com/docs/payout-method).


          Step 2: Install the plugin


          Install the BlueSnap Payment Gateway plugin, as follows:

          安装BlueSnap Payment Gateway插件,如下所示:

          1. In WordPress, click Plugins > Add New in the left menu.


            1. Search for BlueSnap in the search box in the top-right side.

              在右上角的搜索框中搜索 BlueSnap

            2. Click the BlueSnap Payment Gateway for WooCommerce plugin and install it.


            3. Click Plugins > Installed Plugins in the left menu.


            4. In the installed plugin screen, activate the following plugins, in this order:


                • WooCommerce
                • WooCommerce

                • WooCommerce Subscriptions (optional)
                • WooCommerce订阅(可选)

                • WooCommerce Pre-Orders (optional)
                • WooCommerce预购(可选)

                • BlueSnap Payment Gateway for WooCommerce
                • 用于WooCommerce的BlueSnap支付网关



            If these are not activated in the specified order, the installation will not complete properly.


            Step 3: Set the Default Currency


            Configure the default currency settings for WooCommerce by completing the following steps:


            1. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > General.

            1.转到 WooCommerce>设置>常规

              1. Scroll down to Currency Options and set the values as necessary.


              2. Click Save Changes.


              Step 4: Configure the plugin


              Configure the BlueSnap plugin using the following steps:


              1. Click the Settings link below the BlueSnap plugin.


              The BlueSnap page opens.

              将打开“ BlueSnap”页面。

                1. Configure the following settings.

                2. 配置以下设置。

                Note: You can find your BlueSnap information (API credentials, Merchant ID, and more) for the following settings in your BlueSnap Merchant Console in Settings > API Settings.

                注意:您可以在设置> API设置中的BlueSnap Merchant Console中找到以下设置的BlueSnap信息(API凭据,商户ID等)。

                  • Enable/Disable — Select Enable BlueSnap.

                  • 启用/禁用-选择启用BlueSnap。

                    This means that BlueSnap appears as a payment option during checkout.


                  • Test mode — Select Enable Test Mode to use your BlueSnap Sandbox account, select the Enable Test Mode option.

                  • 测试模式-选择“启用测试模式”以使用您的BlueSnap Sandbox帐户,选择“启用测试模式”选项。

                    Leave the option cleared to use your BlueSnap Production account.

                    清除该选项以使用您的BlueSnap Production帐户。

                  • IPN configuration — Copy the URL from this section and use it for the IPN Setup section below.

                  • IPN配置-从此部分复制URL,并将其用于下面的IPN设置部分。

                  • Title — By default, this is Credit/Debit Cards.

                  • 标题-默认情况下,这是信用卡/借记卡。

                    This label is presented to the shopper when they choose a payment option during checkout.


                  • Description — By default, this is Pay using your Credit/Debit Card.

                  • 说明-默认情况下,这是使用您的信用卡/借记卡付款。

                    This describes the payment method during checkout.


                  • API Username and API Password — Enter your API Username and Password for your BlueSnap account.

                  • API用户名和API密码-输入您的BlueSnap帐户的API用户名和密码。

                    Use your sandbox credentials if you chose Enable Test Mode above.


                    Use your production credentials if you did not chose Enable Test Mode above.


                  • Merchant ID — Enter your Merchant ID number from your BlueSnap merchant account.

                  • 商家ID -从您的BlueSnap商家帐户输入您的商家ID号。

                    Note: Use the Merchant ID from you sandbox or production environment, as applicable.


                    They are different.


                  • Soft Descriptor — Enter a string, no more than 20 characters in length.

                  • 软描述符-输入长度不超过20个字符的字符串。

                    This descriptor appears on the shopper’s billing statement to help them identify the purchase.


                    You should use the same soft descriptor set in your BlueSnap Console.


                  • 3D Secure — If you want to offer 3-D Secure, contact BlueSnap Merchant Support and ask for 3-D Secure to be enabled for your account.

                  • 3D Secure —如果要提供3-D Secure,请联系BlueSnap商家支持并要求为您的帐户启用3-D Secure。

                    After that is done, you can select this option to activate 3-D Secure.

                    完成后,您可以选择此选项以激活3-D Secure。

                    For more information on 3-D Secure, refer to our 3-D Secure Guide (https://support.bluesnap.com/docs/3d-secure).


                  • Saved Cards — Select this if you want to give logged-in shoppers the option to store their credit card details for future purchases.

                  • 已保存的卡-如果您想让已登录的购物者可以选择存储其信用卡详细信息以备将来购买,请选择此项。

                    They can manage their information from their My Account area.


                  • BlueSnap currency converter — BlueSnap works with many currencies (see a complete list at https://support.bluesnap.com/docs/currencies).

                  • BlueSnap货币转换器 — BlueSnap可使用多种货币(请参阅https://support.bluesnap.com/docs/currencies上的完整列表)。

                    The BlueSnap plugin for WooCommerce includes a built-in currency converter that you must configure in order to enable successful purchasing via BlueSnap.


                    Select this option to use the converter.


                  • Select the currencies to display in your shop — Select all the currencies your WooCommerce store supports.

                  • 选择要在商店中显示的货币-选择WooCommerce商店支持的所有货币。

                  • Apple Pay Wallet — If you want to offer Apple Pay as a payment method for your shoppers, contact BlueSnap Merchant Support (https://bluesnap.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/

                  • Apple Pay钱包-如果要为购物者提供Apple Pay作为付款方式,请联系BlueSnap商家支持(https://bluesnap.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/

                    requestsew?ticket_form_id=360000127087) and ask for Apple Pay to be enabled for your account.

                    请求/ new?ticket_form_id = 360000127087)并要求为您的帐户启用Apple Pay。

                    After that is done, you can select this option to allow shoppers to pay with Apple Pay.

                    完成后,您可以选择此选项以允许购物者使用Apple Pay付款。

                  • Logging — Select the Log debug messages option to have communications between WooCommerce and BlueSnap recorded in the process log files.

                  • 记录-选择“记录调试消息”选项以使WooCommerce和BlueSnap之间的通信记录在过程日志文件中。

                    We recommend using this option during the development of your site or if you are experiencing any problems.


                    To access process logs for the BlueSnap plugin, go to WooCommerce > Status and click the Logs tab.

                    要访问BlueSnap插件的处理日志,请转到 WooCommerce>状态,然后单击日志标签。

                    1. Click Save Changes.
                    2. 点击保存更改。

                    Step 5: Secure checkout


                    Ensure that you are using secure checkout by completing the following steps.


                    1. Go to WordPress > Settings > General.

                    1.转到 WordPress>设置>常规

                      1. In the following URL fields, make sure that the URL begins with https://:

                      2. 在以下URL字段中,确保URL以 https:// 开头:

                          • WordPress Address (URL)
                          • WordPress地址(URL)

                          • Site Address (URL)
                          • 站点地址(URL)

                      Step 6. IPN Setup


                      Instant Payment Notifications (IPNs) are webhooks that trigger an HTTP POST message to your WooCommerce account when an important event occurs.

                      即时付款通知(IPN)是当重大事件发生时触发向您的WooCommerce帐户发送HTTP POST消息的Webhook。

                      Follow the steps below to set up IPNs.


                      1. Log in to your BlueSnap account and go to Settings > General Settings.


                        1. In the Notifications section, select Receive Instant Payment Notifications.


                        2. Update the IPN URL(s) field.

                          更新 IPN网址字段。

                          The format of the URL should follow this pattern: https://www.yourdomain.com/?wc-api=bluesnap

                          URL的格式应遵循以下格式: https://www.yourdomain.com/?wc-api=bluesnap

                        3. Click Submit.


                        For more information on IPNs, refer to our IPN documentation (https://support.bluesnap.com/docs/about-ipns).


                        Step 7: Crontab Setup


                        We recommend that you add a line to your crontab.


                        The crontab is an application that runs in the server operating the WordPress application, and is in charge of periodic actions.


                        It ensures that subscriptions continue to charge on time even if your WooCommerce store has no traffic, stores automatic renewals, and handles pre-orders.


                        The crontab file is available to you in most UNIX/Linux based machines, and often can be found in /var/spool/cron.

                        大多数基于UNIX / Linux的计算机都可以使用crontab文件,通常可以在 / var / spool / cron 中找到该文件。

                        If you are not sure where your crontab file is, reach out to your IT team or hosting provider for more details.


                        You should add the following line to your crontab file:


                        */15 * * * * {wget path} -q -O – {Web domain of your WooCommerce Store}/ wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron

                        * / 15 * * * * {wget路径} -q -O – {您的WooCommerce商店的Web域} / wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron

                        For example: */15 * * * * /usr/bin/wget -q -O - http://shoppingcarts.bluesnap.com/wordpress/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron

                        例如: * / 15 * * * * / usr / bin / wget -q -O-http://shoppingcarts.bluesnap.com/wordpress/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron



                        If you have multiple WooCommerce Stores running on the same server, you should add this line for each one of them.


                        Note: */15 makes the crontab run every 15 minutes.

                        注意 * / 15 使crontab每15分钟运行一次。

                        You can use this to change the cron frequency.


                        For additional help, contact BlueSnap Merchant Support (https://bluesnap.zendesk.com/hc/en-usequestsew?ticket_form_id=360000127087).



For the most recent version of these instructions, refer to https://support.bluesnap.com/docs/woocommerce




