[wordpress插件] bodi0`s Easy cachebodi0的轻松缓存

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-08 10:50 507 0 全屏看文



Easy cache takes a real-time snapshot of every Page, Post, Category, Link, etc. These snapshots are then stored (cached) into folder of your choice, so they can be referenced and served to the visitor later, in


order to save database processing time that has been slowing your website down.


The Easy cache plugin uses configuration options that you select from the Administration panel.

Easy cache插件使用您从“管理”面板中选择的配置选项。

Search for Easy cache in your Settings page.


Easy cache excludes administrative or WP system login pages from caching (i.e. it works only on public part of your blog).


Only NOT logged-in users (which are the most) can benefit from caching mechanism when they visit the public part of your website.

只有 NOT 登录用户(最多)可以在访问您网站的公共部分时从缓存机制中受益。

Password-protected pages or posts are excluded from caching too.


There is an automatic cache expiration system, which runs through WordPress® behind-the-scene, according to your Cached file expires after setting, also various cache and server load statistics are available for precise tracking


of what is going on.


The Easy cache plugin has been tested with various permalink settings, various pagination plugins like WP Pagenavi and WPML WordPress Multilingual Plugin, also with WordPress® Jetpack<

Easy cache插件已经过各种永久链接设置的测试,各种分页插件(例如 WP Pagenavi WPML WordPress多语言插件)也已通过WordPress®Jetpack <

/code> mobile theme, with variuos custom post types, custom queries, custom pages outside WordPress® installation directory and a number of widely used plugins, however if you experience troubles, post your issue on the plugin's forum.

/ code>移动主题,具有各种自定义帖子类型,自定义查询,WordPress®安装目录之外的自定义页面以及许多广泛使用的插件,但是,如果遇到麻烦,请在插件论坛上发布问题。

Supported languages


    • English


    • Spanish


    • French


    • Bulgarian



WordPress® can only handle one cache plugin being activated at a time.


Please remove any existing cache plugins that you’ve tried in the past.


In other words, if you’ve installed W3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache, DB Cache Reloaded,

换句话说,如果您已安装W3 Total Cache,WP Super Cache,DB Cache Reloaded,

or any other caching plugin, uninstall them all before installing Easy cache.


One way to check, is to make sure this file: wp-content/advanced-cache.php and/or wp-content/object-cache.php are

检查的一种方法是确保该文件: wp-content / advanced-cache.php 和/或 wp-content / object-cache.php

>NOT present;


and if they are, delete these files BEFORE installing Easy cache.

,如果是,请删除这些文件,再安装Easy cache。

Those files will only be present if you have a caching plugin already installed.


If you don’t see them, you’re ready to install Easy cache.


To verify that Easy cache is working, navigate your site like a regular visitor would.

要验证Easy cache是​​否正常工作,请像常规访问者一样浏览您的网站。

Right-click on any page, choose View Page Source, then scroll to the bottom of the document.

右键单击任何页面,选择 View Page Source ,然后滚动到文档底部。

At the very bottom you’ll find comments that show Easy cache statistical information.

在最底部,您会找到显示Easy cache统计信息的注释。

You should also notice that page-to-page navigation is faster, compared to what you experienced prior to installing Easy cache.

您还应该注意到,与安装Easy cache之前相比,页面到页面的导航速度更快。

    1. Upload unzipped archive of the plugin to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    2. 将插件的解压缩存档上传到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    5. Navigate to Settings -› Easy cache, select to enable caching and/or tweak other parameters and save the settings.
    6. 导航至 Settings-› Easy cache ,选择启用缓存和/或调整其他参数并保存设置。

