[wordpress插件] Bonway Image OverlayBonway图片叠加层

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-08 18:10 475 0 全屏看文



The Bonway Image Overlay plugin is a lightweight, versatile plugin designed to making it easy for everyday users to add images with an overlaid text.

Bonway Image Overlay插件是一个轻巧的多功能插件,旨在使日常用户轻松添加带有叠加文本的图像。

All the options might seem daunting but it is all to make sure you, the user, are in control:


    • The General block allows you to set the identifier used for the shortcode, and the overlay’s class used for custom styling purposes
    • 常规块可让您设置用于简码的标识符,以及用于自定义样式目的的叠加层的类

    • The Position block allows you to position the overlay both horizontally as well as vertically
    • 位置块使您可以水平和垂直放置叠加层

    • The Text alignment block allows you to determine where the text in the overlay nudges towards
    • 文本对齐方式块使您可以确定叠加层中的文本向何处滑动

    • The Sizes block lets you determine the border-radius (roundness), as well as the minimum and maximum width and height for each overlay
    • 通过 Sizes 块,您可以确定边框半径(圆度)以及每个叠加层的最小和最大宽度和高度

    • The Colours block lets you determine the colours used, as well as the transparency of the overlay’s background
    • 颜色块可让您确定所使用的颜色以及覆盖背景的透明度

    • The Background image block speaks for itself: Here you can choose the image to be shown
    • 背景图像方块说明了一切:在这里您可以选择要显示的图像

    Getting the overlay on your site is simple is pie:


    Simply click on the shortcode, or the accompanied button, in the overview-table and the shortcode is copied to your clipboard.


    Then all you have to do is edit the page/post you want this overlay on, and paste it.


