[wordpress插件] Bootstrap MCE ElementsBootstrap MCE元素

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-09 12:10 428 0 全屏看文



This plugin creates a button inside of every rich text editor within WordPress which allows the user to insert pre-built Bootstrap compatible code into the editor.


This plugin includes the ability to add Buttons, Wells, Labels & Badges of different sizes and styles easily into your WordPress pages or posts.


It also allows you to include the default Bootstrap CSS for these objects in your WordPress editor and your template if you wish.

它还允许您根据需要在WordPress编辑器和模板中包括这些对象的默认Bootstrap CSS。

In addition if you want to you can modify the “display.css” to customize the look of the bootstrap elements.

此外,如果需要,您可以修改“ display.css”以自定义引导程序元素的外观。

This is a great plugin if you use a bootstrap theme such as the Roots theme.



    1. Upload the plugin dir to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory or add the bootstrap-mce-elements.zip through the wordpress add plugin dialog

    2. 将插件目录上传到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录,或通过wordpress添加插件对话框添加 bootstrap-mce-elements.zip



    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    5. Go to the ‘Bootstrap MCE’ menu under settings and make to select whether or not you wish the bootstrap CSS to be included for you in the WordPress editor and/or the theme.
    6. 转到设置下的“ Bootstrap MCE”菜单,然后选择是否希望将Bootstrap CSS包含在WordPress编辑器和/或主题中。

    7. Open any page/post that uses a rich text editor and see the new “B” icon on the top row of the editor
    8. 打开任何使用RTF编辑器的页面/帖子,并在编辑器的第一行看到新的“ B”图标

