[wordpress插件] Bot Libre Live Chat机器人免费在线聊天

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-09 17:20 586 0 全屏看文



Add live chat to your website from Bot Libre.

从Bot Libre将实时聊天添加到您的网站。

Live chat allows you to provide chat or customer service to your website.


You can connect to your live chat channel as an operator and respond to your user live on your website.


Bot Libre also allows an automated bot agent to be connected to your live chat channel to respond to your users when you are unavailable.

Bot Libre还允许将自动化的bot代理连接到您的实时聊天频道,以在您不可用时对您的用户进行响应。

Bot Libre is a free open source platform for artificial intelligence, chat bots, virtual agents, live chat, and more.

Bot Libre是一个免费的开源平台,可用于人工智能,聊天机器人,虚拟代理,实时聊天等。

See BotLibre.com

参见 BotLibre.com


    1. If you do not already have one, you will need to sign up for an account on https://www.botlibre.com.

    2. 如果您还没有,请在https://www.botlibre.com上注册一个帐户。

    3. In the WordPress admin dashboard, navigate to the \’Appearance\’ tab and select \’Widgets\’.
    4. 在WordPress管理控制台中,导航至“外观”标签,然后选择“小部件”。

    5. Activate the Bot Libre Live Chat widget and then open up its settings.
    6. 激活Bot Libre Live Chat小部件,然后打开其设置。

    7. Enter your username and password from the Bot Libre website and press the \’Sign In\’ button.

    8. 从Bot Libre网站输入您的用户名和密码,然后按“登录”按钮。

    9. Select a live chat to use from the dropdown menu.

    10. 从下拉菜单中选择要使用的实时聊天。

      If you do not have any live chats, you will need to create one on the Bot Libre website first.

    11. 如果您没有任何实时聊天,则需要首先在Bot Libre网站上创建一个。

    12. Press the \’Save\’ button.
    13. 按下“保存”按钮。

