[wordpress插件] AcumulusAcumulus

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-01-28 16:00 560 0 全屏看文






Over deze plugin.


WooCommerce boekhouden plugin voor Acumulus

WooCommerce boekhouden插件voor Acumulus

The Acumulus plugin connects your Woocommerce store to the Dutch SIEL Acumulus online financial administration application.

Acumulus插件将您的Woocommerce商店连接到荷兰SIEL Acumulus在线财务管理应用程序。

It can add your invoices automatically or via a batch send form to your administration, saving you a lot of manual, error prone work.


The Acumulus plugin:


    • Reacts to order status changes via actions.
    • 通过操作对订单状态进行更改。

    • Does have 3 admin screens: a settings, advanced settings, and a batch send screen.
    • 有3个管理屏幕:设置,高级设置和批量发送屏幕。

    • Offers a meta box with an overview of the status of the invoice in Acumulus on the edit order screen.
    • 在编辑订单屏幕上,提供一个元框,其中以Acumulus形式概述发票的状态。

    • Does not in any way interfere with the front-end UI.
    • 不以任何方式干扰前端UI。

    The Acumulus plugin assumes that:



    1. Install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly or, alternatively, upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/acumulus directory manually.
    2. 直接通过WordPress插件屏幕安装插件,或者手动将插件文件上传到 / wp-content / plugins / acumulus 目录。

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”屏幕激活插件。

    5. Go to the ‘Settings – Acumulus’ page (wp-admin/options-general.php?page=acumulus_config) to configure the plugin.
    6. 转到“设置-积云”页面( wp-admin / options-general.php?page = acumulus_config )来配置插件。

    7. Go to the ‘Settings – Acumulus advanced settings’ page (wp-admin/options-general.php?page=acumulus_advanced) to configure the plugin.
    8. 转到“设置-Acumulus高级设置”页面( wp-admin / options-general.php?page = acumulus_advanced )来配置插件。

    9. If you have set so, invoices for new orders are now automatically sent to your administration at Acumulus.
    10. 如果已设置,新订单的发票现在将自动发送到Acumulus上的管理部门。

    11. You can use the ‘Woocommerce – Acumulus’ page (wp-admin/admin.php?page=acumulus_batch) to send a batch of (older) orders to Acumulus.
    12. 您可以使用“ Woocommerce – Acumulus”页面( wp-admin / admin.php?page = acumulus_batch )将一批(较旧的)订单发送到Acumulus。

    13. To cater for specific use cases, the plugin does define some filters and actions, so you can intercept and influence the actions it performs.

    14. 为了满足特定的使用情况,该插件确实定义了一些过滤器和操作,因此您可以拦截并影响其执行的操作。

      See the separate filters.txt for more information.

    15. 有关更多信息,请参见单独的 filters.txt




