“涉嫌交易异常,延迟结算 ,关闭支付权限”的问题?

微信支付 文章 2022-02-26 07:40 374 0 全屏看文


“涉嫌交易异常,延迟结算 ,关闭支付权限”的问题?"Suspected of abnormal transaction, delayed settlement, closed payment authority"?

“涉嫌交易异常,延迟结算 ,关闭支付权限”的问题?

商户号1620238754 涉嫌交易异常 延迟结算 关闭支付权限 ,我是饮品小程序 因为2月19日一笔投诉说我们涉嫌欺诈 因为没有通知我们所有没有马上处理 ,等发现以后被关闭权限。我已经联系客户了解了经过,是下单客户让一位男性友人代付,男性友人是网络好友,以为下单客户故意让他请喝奶茶 过后两天投诉了,我们保证合法经营,也已经跟客户联系处理好退款协商等事宜 我们保证我们小店一直合法经营 ,联系微信支付客服一直排队人数众多 所以在这里留言 望明察!

Merchant No. 1620238754 is suspected of abnormal transaction, delayed settlement and closed payment authority. I'm a drink applet. Because a complaint on February 19 said that we were suspected of fraud because we didn't notify us and didn't deal with it immediately. After discovery, we were closed. I have contacted the customer to understand the process. The customer placed the order asked a male friend to pay on his behalf. The male friend is an online friend. He thought that the customer deliberately asked him to buy milk tea and complained two days later. We promise to operate legally and have also contacted the customer to handle matters such as refund negotiation. We guarantee that our store has been operating legally, Contact wechat payment customer service has been lining up a large number of people, so leave a message here and watch it!


L ik-:

v170-6190-3166之前是他帮忙处理解开的 你可以问问他




