[wordpress插件] Configure SMTP配置SMTP

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-30 09:40 547 0 全屏看文



Configure SMTP mailing in WordPress, including support for sending e-mail via SSL/TLS (such as GMail).

在WordPress中配置SMTP邮件,包括支持通过SSL / TLS(例如GMail)发送电子邮件。

This plugin is the renamed, rewritten, and updated version of the wpPHPMailer plugin.


Use this plugin to customize the SMTP mailing system used by default by WordPress to handle outgoing e-mails.


It offers you the ability to specify:


    • SMTP host name
    • SMTP主机名

    • SMTP port number
    • SMTP端口号

    • If SMTPAuth (authentication) should be used.
    • 如果应使用SMTPAuth(身份验证)。

    • SMTP username
    • SMTP用户名

    • SMTP password
    • SMTP密码

    • If the SMTP connection needs to occur over ssl or tls
    • 如果需要通过ssl或tls进行SMTP连接

    In addition, you can instead indicate that you wish to use GMail to handle outgoing e-mail, in which case the above settings are automatically configured to values appropriate for GMail, though you'll need to specify your GMail e-mail


    (including the “@gmail.com”) and password.

    (包括“ @ gmail.com”)和密码。

    Regardless of whether SMTP is enabled, the plugin provides you the ability to define the name and e-mail of the ‘From:’ field for all outgoing e-mails.


    A simple test button is also available that allows you to send a test e-mail to yourself to check if sending e-mail has been properly configured for your blog.


    Links: Plugin Homepage |

    链接:插件主页 |

    Author Homepage



    1. Unzip configure-smtp.zip inside the /wp-content/plugins/ directory (or install via the built-in WordPress plugin installer)
    2. / wp-content / plugins / 目录内

    3. 解压缩 configure-smtp.zip (或通过内置的WordPress插件安装程序安装)

    4. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ admin menu in WordPress
    5. 通过WordPress中的“插件”管理菜单激活插件

    6. Click the plugin's Settings link next to its Deactivate link (still on the Plugins page), or click on the Settings -> <

    7. 单击插件的停用链接旁边的插件的 Settings 链接(仍在“插件”页面上),或单击 Settings -> <

      code>SMTP link, to go to the plugin's admin settings page.

      code> SMTP 链接,以转到插件的管理设置页面。

      Optionally customize the settings (to configure it if the defaults aren’t valid for your situation).

    8. (可选)自定义设置(如果默认设置不适用于您的情况,则进行配置)。

    9. (optional) Use the built-in test to see if your blog can properly send out e-mails.
    10. (可选)使用内置测试来查看您的博客是否可以正确发送电子邮件。

