[wordpress插件] Form Builder CP表单生成器CP

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-04 01:30 464 0 全屏看文



With Form Builder CP you can:

使用Form Builder CP,您可以:

- Build a form


- Use a visual form builder to create a form


- Receive the form data via email


- Add validation rules to the form


- Add captcha anti-spam to the form


- Style the form


- Customize the emails


Form Builder CP is a contact form plugin that allows creating contact forms and email them.

Form Builder CP是一个联系表单插件,允许创建联系表单发送电子邮件

This forms plugin lets you to use its form builder to create contact forms, booking forms, or other types of forms that capture information via your website.


The form builder has a visual interface for creating the contact form with field validation and anti-spam captcha image verification included in all versions



The form builder is as simple as just drag and drop the form fields into the contact form.


This version support three type of form fields: text fields, email fields and textarea fields.


These fields can be used unlimited times into the same form to create large forms.


Most contact forms are based just in those three type of fields.


There are other versions of the plugin (commercial versions) that support other field types, info about other versions can be found at https://wordpress.dwbooster.com/forms/cp-easy-form-builder


Form Builder CP Features:

Form Builder CP功能:

    • Allows to create contact forms visually, with a modern and simple interface
    • 允许使用现代且简单的界面直观地创建联系表单

    • Sends the contact form data to the email addresses that you provide
    • 发送联系表格数据到您提供的电子邮件地址

    • Allows including additional user information (IP, user-agent)
    • 允许包含其他用户信息(IP,用户代理)

    • Allows to customize the text of email messages, including specific tags for each form field
    • 允许自定义电子邮件的文本,包括每个表单字段的特定标签

    • Includes validation of the contact form data: required fields, emails, dates, number, etc.
    • 包括联系表格数据的验证:必填字段,电子邮件,日期,电话号码等。

    • Includes a built-in captcha image verification.
    • 包括内置验证码图像验证。

    • Contact forms are processed using Ajax: more speed and comfort for the user
    • 使用Ajax处理联系表:为用户带来更快的速度和舒适度

    The contact form is rendered and validated using a modern jQuery script, compatible with mobile pages.


    The kernel of the Form Builder CP is its form maker (or form builder).

    Form Builder CP的内核是其表单生成器(或表单生成器)。

    It is 100% JavaScript and supports the basic email, text and comments fields.


    There are other versions that support more advanced fields.


    The form maker also allows to specify CSS classes for each form field (read more in the FAQ) or align various form fields in the same row.


    The validations, also integrated in the form builder, cover email form fields, confirmation form fields, length of the texts entered in the form fields, required form fields and other common form validation rules.


    The captcha is built 100% into the plugin, there is no need for external captchas or anti-spam services.


    The captcha image can be visually configured to modify the font, colors, amount of noise and size.


    The captcha verification is made with Ajax to avoid reloading the page.


    The captcha configuration section is located below the form builder in the settings area.




    New features has been published in the current Form Builder CP version 1.1.4 based on the feedback received and we would like to thank you all the people that have supported the development, provided feedback and feature requests.

    基于收到的反馈,新功能已在当前的Form Builder CP版本1.1.4中发布,我们要感谢所有支持开发,提供反馈和功能要求的人们。

    The plugin is currently over the 30,000 downloads/installations and a new set of updates is already being prepared, any feature requests will be welcome.


    Thank you!


    If the form doesn’t appear: If the form doesn’t appear in the public website that’s probable due to a conflict with the theme.


    The solution in most cases is the following:


      1. Edit the file cp_easy_form_builder.php, go to the line #22 where says:




      2. Put that configuration constant to true, example:




      That way the scripts with be loaded in a different way that avoid conflicts with third party themes that force their own jQuery versions.


      This update may solve also conflicts with the form builder in the dashboard area.


      Other Form Builder CP versions: There is a pro version of the Form Builder CP plugin that also supports these features:

      其他Form Builder CP版本:还有一个Pro版本的Form Builder CP插件也支持以下功能:

        • More form field types in the form builder: upload fields, phone fields, password fields, number fields, date fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, select drop-down fields
        • 表单构建器中的其他表单域类型:上传域,电话域,密码域,数字域,日期域,复选框,单选按钮,选择下拉域

        • Additional formatting options in the form builder: Section breaks, comment areas.
        • 表单构建器中的其他格式设置选项:分节符,注释区域。

        • Supports multiple forms in the website (max 1 form on each page)
        • 支持网站中的多种表单(每页最多1个表单)

        • Automatic file uploads/attachments processing
        • 自动文件上传/附件处理

        • Supports tags for specific form fields into the email
        • 支持电子邮件中特定表单字段的标签

        • Includes autoreply
        • 包括自动回复

        • WordPress Multi-site compatible
        • 兼容WordPress的多站点

        You can read more details about that version at https://wordpress.dwbooster.com/forms/cp-easy-form-builder

        您可以在https://wordpress.dwbooster.com/forms/cp-easy-form-b​​uilder 中阅读有关该版本的更多详细信息。


To install Form Builder CP, follow these steps:

要安装Form Builder CP,请按照以下步骤操作:

    1. Download and unzip the Form Builder CP plugin
    2. 下载并解压缩Form Builder CP插件

    3. Upload the entire cp-easy-form-builder/ directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    4. 将整个cp-easy-form-b​​uilder /目录上传到/ wp-content / plugins /目录

    5. Activate the Form Builder CP plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
    6. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活Form Builder CP插件

    7. Configure the Form Builder CP settings at the administration menu >> Settings >> Form Builder CP
    8. 在管理菜单>>设置>> Form Builder CP中配置Form Builder CP设置

    9. To insert the Form Builder CP into some content or post use the icon that will appear when editing contents
    10. 要将Form Builder CP插入某些内容或发布内容,请使用编辑内容时出现的图标

